So i formatted my harddrive, and lost a plugin for photoshop, a painters wheel thingy that i dowloaded some time ago.
I searched for a while, but cant find it, all that i get is one by len white, and the others are not free.
the one i had was customizable, you could change between different shapes, triangle, square or circle, and it also had the regular sliders in it. it was also free.
i would be really happy to find it again, i got really comfortable with it...
but if anybody has another suggestion for a free colour picker that works simular to the painters wheel, im all open.
what do you guys use?
It's not free but at $19 it's pretty cheap. I've been using it for a while and enjoy it.
It has a feature called tone lock that's pretty cool:
Here's a code for 15% off it:
It's $12, but offers a ton of features. Since I'm always in photoshop, I use it at both home and work.
You can also use this one:
It's free, but doesn't have as many features.
still bothers me that i cant find it though, so if anybody has more suggestions, i would be happy to hear!
What am I doing wrong?
anybody else has some suggestions, preferably on free colour pickers for photoshop?
The luminosity/tone lock looks incredibly useful. For the past 12 years I've been manually dropping my yellows & reds' values to match the greens and blues. The lock makes the painting look more natural!
In CC?
*edit* I missed the part where you said you already tried this one, my bad.
James Gurney talking about it link
Neither, unfortunately. The two color wheels that have been currently suggested (MagicPicker and Coolorus) both have the feature, which is why I want to use them
I use it and Mix Colors (their second plugin) for many years and they are they best! The support is amazing as well.
You can still get CC through the AdobeCloud app to run Colorous, and other non-updated plugins.
I use old CC and Colorous. I love it, takes a little time to get used to the fact that you have to click into your document (off of the panel) after picking a color. I love Colorous's blend bars, and gamut masking! I used Magic Picker for a long while, but found after extended session usage, the cursor would get "stuck" in the panel often and fuck up color choice. Haven't had the issue with Colorous.
All you need to do is reinstall the Adobe Extension Manager then it will work fine. It's a nice bit of kit as well!
I'm gunna get me some MAGIC
Could you explain a bit more please?
I have a license though so I'm not sure if the trial version works.
I'm using Windows 8 as well so I don't know if that has something to do with it
link stolen from the honest feedback thread.
thanks for this! i use 'painterswheel', which is a nice Painter style picker as the name would suggest, but that "tone locking" feature is worth the price of admission. purchased.
I dont think Colorous has been updated, but i did get an email saying MagicPicker has been updated to work with 2014.
It turns out that CC decided to update itself today so that it has that little picture on the loading screen. Since the update it has greyed out the Extensions panel!
It's looking like I will have to reinstall the Extension Manager along with Coolorus 2 just to get it working which seems like a lot of effort considering that the CC update now has a larger colour picker.
Why is it that most packages seem to take 2 steps forwards and 6 steps backwards?
How can you mess up Photoshop, it has one job to do lol
BTW I don't know any other "major" producer of plugins that supports so many platforms for many years bringing the best features all the time (even the ones you've never dreamt of!). The new thing I love the most is what they call "Color Temperature Wheel" - just look at the pic in the middle!
They fixed and improved every single feature, I even had a small issue with my Wacom Tablet and I wrote to these guys and they fixed it in one day! One day this is incredible, best support I've ever had :-)
Anastasiy da best - and here's the link to the CG awesomeness
did he/she/it lay dormant for so long, just waiting for the right time? creepy. what would have happen if i hadnt made this thred to begin with?
maybe im also a bot, like that dude in terminator 4, unkowningly doing the will of some evil force, my free will only a illusion to blend in with others?
Polycount was a helpful resource for me a couple of years ago when I was searching for the plugins. I still use them, I love them, I want to share it.
man i feel like the dude of bladerunner, in the beginning, asking the robot-revealing questions.