I'm trying to write a Mel script to set all Display layers with "LPL in it's name to visible.
Display layers seems to have very bad documentation and I cant find anything.
I've got many many layers and switching each one on one by muda-nuckin one is getting bothersome.
Any help is much appreciated.

Till then I shall be sincerely be banging my head into the desk.

mel code would be something like but you would have to figure out the if statmeant since i dont know how mels string fromatting works off hand
Thanks for relearning mel for me haiddasalami!
Heres some of the string formatting stuff you can do
though as you seen it is most easily done via python
ah hadiddasaalmi beat me to it.
@hadiddasaalmi also have to agree with you hadiddasaalmi, it just feels bad going back to mel once your used to more advanced languages like python and c#
I made some changes and here they are:
@Passerby: I agree mel seems outdated compared to python. I will switch to it soon.