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Environment Portfolio Review

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Meloncov greentooth
So I'm getting to the end of my current contract, and I'm starting to look for work again. As such, time to take another look at my portfolio. Any feedback would be appreciated.



  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    It looks a bit bare right now. Not many finished pieces. I'd also try to add some next gen PBR assets. Good luck with the job search!
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Not sure if PBR is absolutely necessary as 95% of all srtudios aren't using it yet. Instead, I'd try doing some very advasnced texturing tutorials. Looking at your go-kart, it is very clearly textured with 1st gen ddo, which doesn't tell the employer that you know how to texture. Now don't get me wrong, Subtance Designer and ddo and other procedural texturing tools are fine texturing tools, as long as nobody can tell you used them. Sometimes that means working with the texturing for a very long time and sometimes that means adding a lot of custom layers.
  • tulkas09
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    tulkas09 polycounter lvl 7
    I'am with #BringMeASunkist try to do better textures maybe with more resolution and quality, also try to avoid ddo.. Also try UE4 or a current gen engine maybe PBR it's not necessary but your pieces would look better and that is something you want.
  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I've got a bunch stuff done for UE4 from my current job that should be coming off of NDA soon (though I'm not sure precisely how long soon will be...), but I'll also definitely start working on a couple props where I really focus on texture quality.
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