The other day I decided to model and object in my room and thought a WD-40 can could be and interesting PBR practice, with a bit of metal, plastic, oxide, metal paint, etc.
So far I've only modeled the Hihh Poly. Low poly bake will came next. But meanwhile I though I could throw it into TB2 and see if I can get some solid material bases.
Here's a few pic of a couple of can I have next to my computer at the moment (sorry for the poor photo quality):
And the High Poly for now:
I'll keep updating soon, but any and all feedback is very appreciated since material definition is one of the things I most struggle with normally, no matter how many tutorials I read. :P
Thanks for stopping to take a look!
Note: To match the materials i had in Toolbag what i did was check my colors for diffuse, and intensity for spec and gloss, and paste their values in Photoshop as a brightness percentage, so for example gloss 0.546 -> 55%.
All slots seemed to work fine except Specular, where i had to add a gamma 2,2 correction. After that it all seems to look the same. Did i do this the wrong way? Does anyone know any other methods/tips to match values from a Tbag material to an actual texture?
Any other comments or crits are welcome.
Left: high poly with Tbag material bases
Center: Low poly textured to match same material bases
Right: Low poly, occlusion and normals only
Assuming you pulled the specular value from the slider, not the color picker, that is working as expected. The specular slider is in linear space, while specular textures load as sRGB(gamma space) by default. If you enter your value with the color input and then copy the hex value, that should match up as both the color picker and texture input are sRGB (which is why the albedo worked fine).
Gloss maps are in linear space so the texture value will match the slider value.
Thanks for the info, i didn't think about the difference between the slider value and the color picker value, i just had the feeling i was missing something.
Hey i've update the textures on this little can a bit, mostly i tweaked the plastic's base and added some grunge to them. So far i like the result.
I'm not so happy with the metal. Overdid the rust a bit so i'll tune that down next time. But any other tips to improve it, especially regarding mat definition? (see first picture in the thread for reference and of how it should look)
Also if anyone wants the model and textures/bakes let me know. When i'm satisfied with them i'll make them public anyway. :P
Besides the grunge pass though I think the values in your textures look really good overall. I think its turning out great really, nice work so far!
Thanks, yeah i'm still tweaking the metal and trying to see what works best. Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for the feedback! As you both suggested i toned down the rust on the metal quite a lot, it was indeed an overkill.
As for the damage in the spec, that's something i always struggle with for some reason. I think i'll make a version of the texture with no damage at all in the spec and see what results i get. It is my understanding the specular should still be affected by by dirt, even if it's a subtle effect, but since this is practice i guess i will have to keep experimenting and see for myself. :polytwitch:
With all that said, here's an update where i tried to make the metal lighting look less out of place. Darkening it's specular a bit finally made the metal mat definition look better, at least in my opinion. :P