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Infinitus Designs seeking 2D & 3D Artists

Hi there, I'm Jordan "Traslogan" Martin, I run the small volunteer dev-team "Infinitus Designs".

Recently, we started a new project called "Yonder", a medieval survival sim made in the Unity Engine, and as such we need to ensure we have an optimal workforce to make sure nothing lags behind. The project, as it stands, is currently just a prototype for the final product, so that we may present a playable demo in a crowdfunding campaign at a later date.

At the moment, I act as Lead-Developer, Mapper, and a Programmer, meanwhile we have another programmer and a 3D artist. However, we need more!

As such, we are looking for:

1x 3D Artist - Our current workload means that our 3D artist is filled up with doing work on Human anatomy and will progress onto animations and equipped items, thus we need a 3D artist who can focus on environment design (As it is a survival game, most of the environment will be interactive, rather than just aesthetics-only scenery). The 3D artist would be a better candidate if they have experience with blender as we'd like to streamline our asset types, but it is not mandatory to use the Blender 3D program. Note that the 3D artist may be asked to do things other than environment design, but it is definitely the focus for the foreseeable future.

1x 2D Artist - Although we are awaiting Unity 4.6 for a new GUI system, the 2D artist will primarily be doing interface-design, icons, and artwork. Being capable of concept art based upon descriptions and being able to design promotional-like artwork is a primary skill we'd be looking for.

As this is a volunteer project, there is no payment for services rendered, however we are confident that with a crowdfunding campaign down the line, provided developers remain with us, they can be paid for continuing the work and potentially moving it to be considered a longer-term project with payment.

For applying for any of the roles:

Please email "jim-g_101@hotmail.co.uk" with an application. Alternatively you can also add "Traslogan" on Skype with the same email, but please leave a small sentence saying that you are adding him because of this advertisement. Please do not search for that email on facebook, as we will not accept friend requests there. You can also apply via our official facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/InfiDesigns)

Your application should include:

1.Your name (username will do if you feel uncomfortable opening such facts at the time of the application)
2.What position you are applying for
3. Info on your background experience / links to folios.
4. Why you want to join us.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them when you apply.

As a note, we may not respond immediately if we have more applicants for the position you apply for, as we may wait to ensure we have the best range of applicants to review.

Also, we would like to make clear that we want to commit ourselves to this project so that it holds value one day and that it means something, rather than just a hobby we can pick up at random. We would like to know that our applicants are prepared to show commitment to this if they are accepted.

We look forward to hearing from potential applicants!
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