Hi polycounters

iam doing a skate bowl for a level.
Using the loft tool in maya is easy and straightforward for skining, but when i place the curves to make the angles match, its hard to make accurate angles when constructing.
is there maybe a helpful tool in maya like the ones in illustrator?
like showing the degrees, same spaces and proportional suggestions.
right now i take a plane and align the curves to the wall, visually to get for example 90degrees

However, there may be a simpler method to accomplish what you're doing. Extruding naturally draws edges out at right angles (when possible) from their starting point, so you may want to explore extruding/beveling instead of manually-positioned splines.
I obviously haven't done any research on half-pipe curvature but the curves you're using appear close to a perfect quarter-circle arch, which the Bevel tool can do really easily.
your tipp was very helpful i recreated whole mesh.
thanks for the idea