I'm a programmer / developer working on a small commercial game that I plan to release, and I need an enthusiastic and reliable artist to handle the art and collaborate on gameplay.
The game is a skill-based futuristic sports game, similar to soccer, with a strong story-line and plot. The story will be humorous and the game doesn't take itself too seriously. It's a fun, easy-to-learn but hard-to-master game.
I've chosen to go with UE4, and at this stage the art and design are wide open. I know first-hand how important it is to work on things you enjoy, so there is a lot of creative freedom. Steampunk, mech, fish, zombie, I'm happy to discuss whatever works for the game and for you.
In terms of the assets required, and trying to keep it simple, a single arena with 2-3 different player characters is the minimum viable product. You'll also be doing the animating and UI art. Rather than the arena being a simple rectangle, extra obstacles to spice things up would be a bonus.
Here's a video of the current movement mechanics. It's designed for PC and tablet at this stage:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX0pMHQ6gAQ"]MechanicsDemo - YouTube[/ame]
My last game was strongly story and puzzle driven (
http://www.indiedb.com/games/3dtextadventure), and I hope to retain the same sense of fun and story in this one.
Ideally this would suit someone looking for a portfolio piece, and the more experience you have had the better. It will be a straight 50/50 royalty split.