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ZBrush Menu Font Size


Already searched on google, but I couldn't find any solution to it.
The Font Size of the Main Menu in ZBrush is reeeeeally small. A loupe is almost required to read it.

I expected to be able to change that in the UI customization section, but there is only an option to increase the button size which also doesn't affect the main Menu.

So can anyone tell, how I can increase the font size of the Main Menu in ZBrush?



  • amokk_gw
    Does anyone has a solution to this? How are the ZBrush users here handle this?
    Is the font size okay for you?

    Sorry for double post, but I really would like some input.
  • WarrenM
    AFAIK, it can't be changed. And I agree, it's almost impossible to read on high res displays.
  • dr grim
    Since you're new to Zbrush it's gonna take you a while to swallow that menu system but I can assure you once you get the ball rolling you'll never use menus EVER. Seasoned users just make their custom UI and dock the rest on either side of the canvas.

    I know it's no solution to your problem but that's part of the ZB learning curve (I agree it sucks). In the end it's worth the time invested.
  • amokk_gw
    Ohh okay, so you're saying that once the learning curve is passed, it's possible to work almost entirely without the main menu?
    That would be nice, because for now I'm thinking of lowering my resolution just that I don't get a headache from that small font.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I've never gotten to try it on a high res display so I'm not sure how bad it is. Have you tried using the magnifying glass shortcut before running through the menus?
  • dr grim
    amokk_gw wrote: »
    Ohh okay, so you're saying that once the learning curve is passed, it's possible to work almost entirely without the main menu?
    That would be nice, because for now I'm thinking of lowering my resolution just that I don't get a headache from that small font.

    Yes. I have my stuff docked. For example I never use the movie menu except on rare occasions. Zbrush is made to be heavily customized in terms of buttons and menus placement.

    Pixologic just had a live stream with some of the best zbrushers in the world and menus were only used to show novices where X or Y option was if at all.

    Learn to customize or use a preset layout for the time being and make your own.
  • amokk_gw
    cryrid wrote: »
    I've never gotten to try it on a high res display so I'm not sure how bad it is. Have you tried using the magnifying glass shortcut before running through the menus?

    In that case, prepare for the worst, if you buy a new monitor. ;-)

    You mean the Windows magnifying glass or is there something like that built in ZBrush?

    @dr grim
    Okay then I might hang through that process. Otherwise I was thinking about of just learning Mudbox.

    It's kind of silly, that ZBrush offers so many options to customize the interface, but nobody thought about the font size.
    I don't wanna know, how it looks like on a 4K monitor. :poly122:
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    There's a built in magnifying tool with its own customization options in the preferences.
  • dr grim
    Learning mudbox? What's wrong with you?! Just kidding!

    Zbrush has a steeper learning curve but it also offers more features by far and large. Compared to Mudbox; Zbrush is like being given the key to the candyshop as opposed to getting a few gummy bears right away...
  • amokk_gw
    Yes, I would definitely prefer learning ZBrush for sculpting. I'm not afraid of the learning curve, that's fine, I like it when it's not served on a silver tablet. :)
    But if you need to work with the interface and you can't read it, it's gonna be a bit difficult.

    And sorry for all the ZBrush fans out there, but this is just a miserable application design when the font is not scaling with the resolution and it's not possible to change the font size.
  • remcv8
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    remcv8 polycounter lvl 8
    You can change the button size in the preferences which in turn can make certain things more readable. The magnifying glass can be useful and has settings. The quick info and preview icon size can also be increased which helps as well.
  • Krellum
    Any change in this during the last months?  

    My BA was in Art/Math and I am a game consultant and game producer.  I dabble with ZBrush as a hobby and professionally to look at and modify others work.  Which means learning and knowing all the shortcuts is unlikely.  Especially since I get the, 'if you just learn the shortcuts...' from fans of Photoshop, In Design, Illustrator, Maya, Blender, XCode, Unity, .... etc.!!!  I review lots of work with lots of tools.  I know them all well enough to get around some.  I depend a lot on menus to help me remember the terms and techniques of the specific tool.  Even with a magnifying glass (I use OSX's the most but I do use others too) XBrush's UI font size SUCKS!

    As display resolutions get higher - 4K's are THE thing now-a-days - it is just unacceptable to not be able to change font size for UIs.
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