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3D Environment - Futuristic scene Shopping District

polycounter lvl 5
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mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
Starting to work on my next 3D environmental piece and first one inside Unreal Engine 4. Any critiques always welcome as well as discussing further ideas that could be added into the scene to further bring it to life or just general positive freeform discussion that might spur my own idea more strongly.

I have written out some basic story information for each part of the scenery to help guide my purpose and spark events that might influence the scene linked to them (Story will be growing further as I cultivate more ideas and write down some others circling in my mind) I will post the actual story at another time when it is in the final form .

~A song I listen too that I am going to use to help further the written story and scene~
Goldfrapp - 05. Utopia (Sunroof Mix)

Shopping District of the futuristic city.
This area is heavy littered with advertisements a propaganda easy drawing the attention of the tourist and distracting them from darker corners where corruption festers. It really shows how heavily of a police state this is and at first glance it may look like they are just here for your protection than the darker task they are constantly committing. Many security cameras and bio scanners are filled throughout the area constantly moving across and watching people, as well as unmanned police drones constantly looking around the area as if they are in search of particular people. In this district transportation is limited to different kinds of public transportation the security of the distract provide. This is done to keep a strong form of control in this corrupted district.


This will consist of 3 exits the continuation of the stairs leaning downwards, exit for general tourist, exit for staff and security.
The exit leading downstairs brings the player to the base level so they can leave the build and get access to the road. The security is fairly heavy in this police controlled state with a multiple scanners along the entrance with security post . Past that this tourist driven spot is bombarded with many advertisements and information trying to sell products, trying to convince people to stay amidst the hidden corruption that stains the streets and unseen corners. There is a lot of propaganda televised on the tvs, and many other exits on the base floor to lead to other connected builds. There is a basement as well which corruption usually finds itself lingering there.

The exit for the general tourist on the upper level leads to another nice spot for tourist to look around the city and towards more connected stores for them to linger in. Though the area is currently under red alert lock down (this would happen as the camera turns around having metal panels coming down on the windows and 2 sets of doors closing.) Though this might seem a surprise but its a common event other do not fret over too much though not knowing it is linked to the corruption of the city. There would be a few sets of scanners along this area.

The security exit is closed by a very secure metal door. The area is also blocked off from the general public need a key-pass to get pass the metal bars. There is a control for the large TV showing advertisements. There is a finger-print scan and eye scan beside the secure door. Camera constantly moving and watching people as if it's being controlled. A few security terminals with monitors reside in this area as well for looking through certain cameras and looking at identities of people deemed as a hazard. This door leads to one of the main security rooms of this sector , which they have quite a look out gazing down on the other people and shopping and places. Much of their security equipment resides here for observation and control when needed.


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