I'm really enjoying Quixel Suite, but I have a major problem. I have an object lets say in MODO its 1.5x1.5x0.64m size, I export it to OBJ do all the necessary steps and then I open it in Quixel with all the maps, it look really small ( judging from texture size on it ).
I opened free learning file with helmet and I noticed that it's 145x145x115m ( that's very big for a helmet

So I would ask is how should I approach this issue with my files? Just sale them to whatever size or there is an other way?
Thank you.
You say "Judging from the texure size on it", you mean that the scale of the textures are wrong? Maybe your texel desnsity isn't matching the scale you're trying to achieve?
Thanks for the help.
Also, you can adjust the scale(or amount of tiling) for most textures. But for the camo pattern, they use a separate mask for each color, so you have to scale it in the mask itself.