
I wrote a simple maxscript to animate Vertex Colors in 3dsmax.
What it does is : copy color, illumination and alpha vertex channels to different frames, making a vertex color animation

Now that it is working, I added a progress bar to let the user know 3ds is actually doing something. I did this also to allow operation cancelling, since the easiest way to do this is to use the Cancel button near the progress bar.
And then, surprise : the script does work, some animation curve are created, but vertex colors are not (I see no animation in viewport).
Here's what I do (simplified) :
--setting up progress bar
local cancelOps = false
progressStart "Converting vertex channels"
--loop trough object array
for i=1 to nbObj while not cancelOps do
local o = objectSelection[i]
--adding an unwrap_UVW modifier to the object
local uvwPaint = unwrap_UVW()
uvwPaint.name = "Vertex Channels Anim"
addModifier o uvwPaint
--(retrieving data in arrays)
--vertex arrays are built like this :
--[face 1]
-- [vertex 1] vertex map ID, color
-- [vertex 2] vertex map ID, color
-- [vertex 3] vertex map ID, color
--[face 2]
-- [vertex 1] vertex map ID, color
-- [vertex 2] vertex map ID, color
-- [vertex 3] vertex map ID, color
--color array is like this :
--[vertex 1] vertex map ID, color1, color2, color3
--[vertex 2] vertex map ID, color1, color2, color3
--auto key on
--this is needed to paste colors on different frames but I wonder why
animButtonState = true
--paste each color on a different frame using the unwrap_UVW modifier !
mapCurrVert = 1
for k=1 to colorIndex.count while not cancelOps do --loop trough faces array
for v=1 to colorIndex[k].count while not cancelOps do --loop trough vertices array
uvwPaint.setVertexPosition 0f channelColor[mapCurrVert][1] channelColor[mapCurrVert][4]
uvwPaint.setVertexPosition 1f channelColor[mapCurrVert][1] channelColor[mapCurrVert][3]
uvwPaint.setVertexPosition 2f channelColor[mapCurrVert][1] channelColor[mapCurrVert][2]
if not (progressUpdate totProgressPercent) then
cancelOps = true
mapCurrVert += 1
animButtonState = false --auto key off
--remove progress bar
This piece of code works if I just comment out the progress bar related stuff, but as soon as I active it, it stops. Not completely anyway, since I HAVE an animation in the modifier, but nothing happens in the viewport

Did I do something wrong ??

Also, I don't understand why I have to set Auto Key to "on" in order to paste vertex uvw animation... The script is sloooowweeer too !
If someone have any suggestion, feel free to drop it ^^
I'm really stuck with this...

Thanks in advance :poly121:
Here's a few tips to speed things up.
Try uvwPaint.setVertexPosition2 with the hold and update variables set to false.
Don't use .count in the for loop. Instead save the .count to a variable and use the variable.
Try using:
Thank you for the tip, I used escapeEnable and it's working great with a progress bar in a dialog
I also tried to use uvwPaint.setVertexPosition2 but I didn't see any difference.
Also, I came across this thread : http://forums.cgsociety.org/archive/index.php/t-1042236.html
I tried to do it that way, and it seems really faster (even if I have to make one loop per frame to create the animation).
ps : I didn't paste the whole code because it's actually messy after a lot of back and forth trying to find a way to make it work, so I'd thought it would be cleaner that way
EDIT : I came across another problem : it seems that sometimes, the amount of polygons on an object is not accurate : if I activate the viewport statistics, there's more polygons than if I select every polygons using an editable poly.
Does anyone know how to solve this bug ?