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The Ranch Dressing Project needs help! [Nsfw]

A year ago, I posted about an idea.

A really badly-formed idea.

It was awful and I regret it.

Now, I seek to renew the thread of it because I feel I've got a better idea.
Whether it's actually good or not is in the eye of the beholder. At this point, I expect success to be a very tiny possibility. One which would be most likely with some other hands on dick- I mean deck.

I make smut. It's weird. Really weird. But I make it out of love.
I know there's a market for good 3D smut because of affect3d and the booming rise of Source Filmmaker porn.
Why else would mods***den, Second Life, Digit***ro, and L****Lab exist? As much as people would rather keep it secret, people love smut.

I want to make a game that works as a game and as smut. I want to bridge that gap between a cohesive, fun experience and something incredibly weird to get off to, and I want to make it in Unity3D with some folks with the same frame of mind.

Here's the idea:

An incredibly effeminate alien male crashes to earth. His ship goes deep down, so deep that most people immediately shrug their shoulders as though nothing happened. Two scientists, Rebecca and Rosalynn, saw this occur as they gazed at the stars together, small and bright-eyed. Since then, they'd vowed to investigate the resulting canyon

These two scientists are special in ways.
Rosalynn is friendly, curious, ambitious, but a bit impatient/fussy and seeks to investigate the crash to befriend the strange visitor despite not even knowing what lies beneath.
Rebecca is driven to succeed. She has to be the best. She wants to learn how the alien craft works so she could possibly make her own, or soup it up herself and fly it into the next star system.

Rosalynn sees a need and fills a need, creativity and a nurturing spirit helping her create, but her work is rather hard to use.
Rebecca seeks to improve current existing niches, often going too far in her pursuit of supremacy and/or perfection and making excessive, but impressive things.

The basis of upgrades in Ranch Dressing would be in these two womens' personalities and design philosophies.

They would also be the first two lewd partners in the game.

These two women also happen to have, well, different endowments and unique shapes to them.
I'll save it for private conversations.
Anyway, this alien had been oozing his way up through the cracks over the years. He finally makes it to the surface and he's exhausted. Nearly dead.
Rosalynn saves him by getting deep in his guts under the knife, Rebecca performs plastic surgery to make sure he'll look "Really cool" and "Extremely cute", even adds bunny ears to the suit he'd wear.

So this ravine's huge enough to be a tutorial level. Water running through it, some caves, and some local wildlife affected by the background radiation of his crash years ago.

A large quantity of these monsters do not want to penetrate our dear friend, however some mechanisms and monsters would require penetration from the protagonist or to the protagonist. I want to create a world where it's believable that some monsters are totally into it, but most of them just aren't.

The main plot has to do with another alien threat which caused the crash in the first place. Since then, the earth had been under surveillance until our protagonist had rubbed the sleep from his massive, fluttery eyelashes.

It would also be equitable to assume that this influence had affected people, mixing genomes and, well, making friendlier oddities out of them as well as furries. If we get people willing to make furries.

Anywho, here's what I'll need:

A Programmer who can program the platforming stuff. I already have a good idea of what I'd like to happen with the animation interface and I know how to implement it well enough.

A character designer whose skills outweigh my own, preferably a patient person who can deal with going weird places.

An Animator who can do the lewds.

A Rigger.

A UI designer.

A sound designer.

A generic VA, someone who can do lady voices. Actual gender doesn't matter.

An Environment designer,
and that's it for now. I'm not sure what else to ask for.

I've been doing stuff for this project for about a year or two, and I'm the sole member. Nobody really wants to tarnish their reputation with a porn game, and for good reason. So I'm asking for people who are either fresh from school or still in school. Smut's fun to make. It should be fun to play too.

This project is a thing for royalties, but an offbeatr will be held to raise funds (to pay you and generate hype) as soon as a demo's finished.
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