Hello ...
I am trying to use World machine to carve and erode a nice continent , I would like to be able to produce nice flows out of the mountains, make the mountains possibly look natural and ready for a future further erosion in other tools to simulate the rivers .
The continent is part of a larger map that I will compose later, baically I erode one region at time... I have loaded so a mask to hide all surrounding land as input .
so basically my confic is double input , one for mask and the other for the file heightmap to erode , then they both are linked to an erosion filter, and then I bring out to outputs ...
My issue is that when I use some particular erosion models they erode beyond the sea level causing sea drops and lakes despite I used a mask to preserve the coastlines, is there a way to avoid make the erosion go under the sea level? and is it possible to have a better resolution preview in the window 3d ? I have put all to max but I can't guess what will be like the erosion unless I start it .
My other question is I tried to output a 16 k x 16 k image I have 32 gb ram but even if it doesn't reach the limit andf it stays with memory save under 19 gb the operation after a while gets stuck ( or so seems ) forever and I am forced to quit .
Finally for rivers and large rivers, is there a best way to erode to make WM produce by itself nice river flows? Or it just creates erosion flows frokm the mountains?
Any tutorial on that ?
My biggest issue though is to avoid the erosion go under the sea level if that's possible at all?
The best place to ask this is over at the WM forums, the creator of WM is very active and so are many experienced users :poly121: