"Multiply the AO Map with the BaseColor"
It works, but actually the better would be to lerp it (1,ao map, alpha), the alpha would be a dot(light vector,normal vector), and then multiplying the result of the lerp to the base color. With using this, you would recreate something similar, or the exact same, just working version of what the original ao slot would do. So the ao would show up just in the shadows.
If the result is still too dark or too bright or anything, you can tweak the ao map easily. The "none" on my image would be the place of the base color.
Hopefully the light vector is available in deferred rendering.
Well. Its not perfect, but still better than simply multiplying the ao map, because you'll get less from it at the lit areas, and the values of it are changing based on the lighting. It could block only ambient lighting if the custom lighting model would be available btw.
Yeah, for UDK yours works fine, but the AO input in UE4 does the same thing automatically (at least it should). My comment was in response to the OP, not your post.
It works, but actually the better would be to lerp it (1,ao map, alpha), the alpha would be a dot(light vector,normal vector), and then multiplying the result of the lerp to the base color. With using this, you would recreate something similar, or the exact same, just working version of what the original ao slot would do. So the ao would show up just in the shadows.
If the result is still too dark or too bright or anything, you can tweak the ao map easily. The "none" on my image would be the place of the base color.
Hopefully the light vector is available in deferred rendering.