Hi guys
I started a new project, a concept I saw for Halo guardian turret,

Here is my progress so far, I got a little bit stack on the part before the guns, the main head top part.
Other than that part I feel the base mesh is ok and I should start adding details. and start retopo.
When looking for reference I saw a thread here by Simon Jonasson who made
the Halo Missile Turret and I really like the result and his workflow so I try to use it as reference
Any advice will be more then welcome.
Thank you.
It's a bit more then a blockout, I started details on some parts, and other than the top part and maybe the mid section which need more work it's will be my high poly version, unless there are more suggestions, I would love to hear.
As for the mid section, I tried to stay as close as I can to the concept, here you can see it's pretty much on the same scale.
So here is an update, I started to fight with the top part and it's
coming along, plus I also change the legs a bit, I simplify them.
The modeling part is almost over, this week Ill start the low res probably,
I'm also trying to do something for the Blizzfest so it's going a bit slow.