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Dota 2 Monthly Community Competition #18 - AUGUST



  • gamedivisionuk
    just another update i made a marketing image as well
  • gamedivisionuk
    How is everyone else getting on some great stuff here,looking forward to seeing all the final images
    please offer any remarks toward mine, im not easily offended so feel free to let me know how i could improve my models and painting
    thank you
  • RNGesus.is.Love

    Thanks for the reply. For me the 3d model is a bit crude but the texture is great but a little light, maybe darken it a bit. For the 3d model I think it needs more flare
  • gamedivisionuk
    yeah i see what your saying,the actual model is less light in game i tried to draw attention more to the helmet by making it a little lighter for the images


    Thanks for the reply. For me the 3d model is a bit crude but the texture is great but a little light, maybe darken it a bit. For the 3d model I think it needs more flare
  • spacemonsky
    I finished mine up :)
    Shield of the Dragon's Inner Fire by Spacemonsky


  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Alright, got the painting and masks done but the spec is WAY too high on the stone. Firt particle mesh too. Only have about 12-14verts, might need a few more, this shot doesn't show well.

    game res has a little blurring on the handle and some stretching on the low. Could have fixed the stretch by not having the extra loop in the handle for the high. But it's all under hand anyway. Was stoked to leave the uv's in one island and use the entire space :D
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    @spacemonsky, don't forget the title and your name/link. Could get you disq ;)
    looks pretty good though I think you could bump up saturation a bit. dk IS PREETY BRIGHT AND CLAEN.

    @gamediv, the helmet is pretty sick. no complaints but the load image needs action, even a raised sword behind him would add a lot imo. cloak is probably on back.

    @RNG, preety cool concept i think it fits him well.

    Skuld, sculpt is looking good, colors too.

    Qro, maybe too busy. half as many scales might read better in game.

    Ttrag, Looks good. The art deco thing is cool, maybe too small to read well though.

    Paskie, nice. can the dragon head be bigger though? in game it wont show.

    Tectonic, really cool helmet design, wanna see it finished.

    Aitnar, I think the red needs to be red, looks kindof pink.

    Sukotto, sick as usual.

    ...so many competitors this month :) I'll try to ocment on all but interwebz time is limited..
  • gamedivisionuk
    Much appreciated will work on it now
  • Skuld
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    Skuld polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks @Baddcog,
    Here´s the lowpoly for the sword :)
  • gamedivisionuk
    i decided to make another image this is just for marketing or advertising
  • Q-ro
    So after all my hard work, i rendered the item using the blender shader i shared here the other day, the item looks ... ok i guess, i don't know, its most certainly not what i had in mind.


    But then i said to myself, "hey, maybe it will look better in game" to which i replay "sure, why not", and after importing my item into the game this happen :


    i don't know thats going on, but there are no details, at all, normals where baked properly, and everything seems to be in order, so i really don't know what I'm missing here, yeah sure, my game render quality, its set to 40%, but still you can clearly appreciate lots of details on DK stock items, but 0 detail on mine, why is this happening? : <, please help. Must add that, even tho I'm not planning on working on this particular item anymore (it being such a failure and all) i feel frustrated and kind of scared of working on a new one just to encounter this same problem in the future, would really appreciate any help, thanks in advance.

    PS: i read some common about the spikes and how it would be better to have less but bigger, intend of what i actually have, and i can see what you meant now that i have sent eh time in game, i'll take that into account for future reference.
  • RNGesus.is.Love
    @Q-ro, had the same problem before, in my case I did not set the TGA files for the mask1 and mask2 to 32-bit. Reviewing the shader mask tutorial might help, it did for me.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Alwsys good to test in game.try settingd on hi.his armor looks bad too. But yeah.too many small details for sure.

    Wider blade.very few large scale n spike read best
  • gamedivisionuk
    Show us your normal map
    Did your add an alpha channel to both masks
  • Q-ro




    Evento mask 1 looks all black, the alpha has a 2 big white pixels, that i though would help the eyes looking as if they where glowing, as can be seen in the following image:


    Either way, i decided to save me some headaches (and seen how there is barely any tome to create something for this contest) and decided to approach the same concept but wit extremely simple geometry and stuff that i can see worked in my a last attempt, so here is the new concept, will model like a ninja, and have this coloured by sunrise :D.



    wait a second, after uploading the mask del here, there is something that look really really wrong with mask 2, i don't get it, thats not how it looks on my preview image, nor inside photoshop



    Again, what am i missing here ?
  • danpaz3d
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    danpaz3d polycounter lvl 7
    @Q-ro Sorry, I don't understand what the issue is. Is something wrong?

    Thought I'd get the conversation started for next months category.
    Some ideas

    - Insects (Broodmother, Nyx, Weaver etc...)
    - Bows and Arrows (only bow's allowed, any hero with bow)
    - Guns and explosives (gyrocopter, clockwerk, sniper, etc.. )
  • gamedivisionuk
    Download the original weapon from the character you are doing and compare the maps to yours you'll see straight away
    Red channel mask 2 I know shouldn't be black ,it's spec

    Another thing , it looks like you've uv'd the hole sword,no need just uv half then mirror over the other half you get better resolution
  • gamedivisionuk
    I do have a problem I uploaded my model to dota and for some reason my tags are showing as unknown and if I look through the new content it's not showing
    Is there anyway of adding or changing tags

  • mujee
    very nice work Aboddon
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Abaddon is listed as Unknown Hero, not sure if its a workshop bug or what, but its been like that since he's been added.

    As for peoples stuff not showing up in the workshop, make sure you fill out the tax info and finalize the revenue share. Once those are completed then it will show up.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9

    1- Illumination doesn't show in the previewer, I just found that out with my sword. Though it does show in game. So check it there.

    2- Not sure what you think is wrong with your mask_2. The lines are brighter? is that just on the thumbnail or actual image?

    Insects sounds cool but maybe instead of just bows it should just be archers. Like all comps it gives a choice of items for character. Bows could limit the people who join.

    Trying to wrap this up today as tomorrow is the last day I'll have internet access to upload.

  • gamedivisionuk
    it wont let me complete the tax document on the final page its asking for email when i input that email it still stays greyed out saying its not the registered email and i know it is
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    is it the same email you use for your steam account?
  • gamedivisionuk
    i logged into my steam account copied the email and pasted into there still the same ive tried every single email i own still wont work
    Baddcog wrote: »
    is it the same email you use for your steam account?
  • gamedivisionuk
    finally,it had nothing to do with my email, id missed a couple of check boxes above even though it was saying your email is incorrect
  • gamedivisionuk
    bummer i start on the second page of most recent,thats not a great start
  • Q-ro
    Download the original weapon from the character you are doing and compare the maps to yours you'll see straight away
    Red channel mask 2 I know shouldn't be black ,it's spec

    Another thing , it looks like you've uv'd the hole sword,no need just uv half then mirror over the other half you get better resolution

    well, I'm dumb, thanks, that should be it, as for the mirror UV part, I'm just really having troubles with that, can't seem to figure out how to do that in blender, i have read some people saying like "delete half your mesh and apply a mirror modifier" and i guess i'll give that a try and see how it goes.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    nice to see some great feedback on the items, you guys are doing a great job in helping each other =]

    time to start thinking on the next month, we had some nice ideas last month like insects (brood, nyx, weaver, sand) but we dont need to stick with it if you guys prefer another one.

    Just throw yours ideas here and we can decide
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    It is an interesting idea Tvidotto. Insects hardly have any singles for them.
  • RNGesus.is.Love
    I have free time today so i'll finish my hammer, Here's the 3d-model.

    Will post the textures later~
  • Reza
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    Reza polycounter lvl 3
    As I said last month I think limiting the heroes will make the competition less diverse and less fun :D
    I think either selecting a theme for items (not for heroes) or choosing a slot (weapon, shield, etc) will make it more fun :)
    just my opinion
    and if you guys think it's fine to just go on with heroes theme I suggest something that has more choices, such as "invisible heroes" which will be:

    12.Templar assassin?

    it can also include heroes that are anti-invisibility:
    3.crystal maiden
    5.faceless void

    One more thing I'd like to mention is about the prize. well since this is just a community competition and it's also not sponsored, why don't the community members raise a prize using dota 2's currency, Random Rare. so if anyone who attends the competition or is a part of polycount just gives 2-3 random rares by the end of the month we will have a good amount of items which can be given to the first 4-5 winners :)
    If everyone agrees to this idea, we can think about collecting the items and distributing it later :)
  • gamedivisionuk
    @Baddcog looking good buddy

    @q-ro I would leave the mirroring to the next comp,because it's alot more work to get that done and you'll have to re bake all your maps ,I'll help you out on the next one

    @RNGesus.is.love nice man looks good can't wait to see the final

    As for next months I'm easy I'll go with the crowd
  • Paskie
    danpaz3d wrote: »
    @Q-ro Sorry, I don't understand what the issue is. Is something wrong?

    Thought I'd get the conversation started for next months category.
    Some ideas

    - Insects (Broodmother, Nyx, Weaver etc...)
    - Bows and Arrows (only bow's allowed, any hero with bow)
    - Guns and explosives (gyrocopter, clockwerk, sniper, etc.. )

    I like Bows/Arrows and Guns/explosives!
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    u do not rly catch me with those themes so far, so i came up with some other ideas:

    - riding heroes: chen, mirana, batrider, abbadon, luna, *gyro*, alchi lol, ck, disrupter, kotl, *timber*

    - nature elements: tiny, treant, morph, earthshaker - maybe also add heros that use those elements without beeing it itself would also work.

    - ice and fire: lina, cm, clinkz, drow, dk, emberspirit, huskar, lich, ogremage, tusk

    next theme is more dota-game addicted one:
    - hardlane heroes: darkseer, clockwerk, bountyhunter, windrunner, mirana, weaver, furion

    - high tech heroes (compared to the others): gyro, sniper, clock, TECHIES, (tinker), timbersaw
  • RNGesus.is.Love
    Finally finished the texture, I'll be uploading soon.Tn38oGL.png

    I havnt done guns before. I haven't even modeled a barrel. those "tech" heroes would be a challenge. Personally, I like helmets.
  • Reyne
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    Reyne polycounter lvl 6
    I recently remembered that I was working on some stuff for this month and took a break from my other work to get some stuff done today.

    I reworked the concept and have developed the model up to the texturing stage.


  • Q-ro
    Annnd its done!, the time its already on the shop, I'm lazy/dont know how create a marketing image so i just took a screen shot of the item in game image, i think it look ok :


    i ended up scraping the sculpting part entirely and generated the normals from my texture file, even tho i know the end result may have come a little bit better should i have used a High poly mesh to bake the normals from, i actually feel proud of myself as the texture image looks really good in my humble opinion, still, i feel like it was a little bit of a waste as many of the details i put on the image are not really that visible on the final product, but oh well, i guess that my lesson to be learned for future works.

    Also, as i was looking into ways of making this whole process easier for me (kind of like, figuring out a workflow that works better for me) i stubble upon the modo steam edition and was actually curious about it ¿ has any of you actually use it? ¿do you think it may be worth it to invest on getting it ?.
  • RNGesus.is.Love
    Divine Smiter by RNGesus.is.Love


    finished mine. :D, I suck at making promotionals haha

    EDIT- Changed the pic
  • vertical
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    vertical polycounter lvl 9
    Divine Smiter by RNGesus.is.Love


    finished mine. :D, I suck at making promotionals haha

    I suggest when you do promo's, it's better to have a diagonal view of the item. It gives more information of the item you're trying to "sell".
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    RNG. the model looks pretty good but tex is flat, you really need some good bright highlights on the edges. Will make it pop a lot more. Seems like you painted that in more on the icon.

    Reyne, looks good but it seems like you could get much smoother grooves in the blade by modelling instead of sculpting them. Also the front bottom curve of the hilt looks concave in the concept but convex in the model, the concave looks better imo.

    I think riders could be a pretty cool theme, would open up mounts for anyone wanting a bigger challenge, but leaves the typical pieces of armor/weap in place too.
  • Q-ro
    I just noticed i forgot to add the link to the workshop for my item, solo, here it is:

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Q-ro, better get all those links up like first page says in one post ;)

    Shard of Avernus by Baddcog [aka Voodoo]

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Is anyone able to dl workshop model files? none seem to be working for me.
  • gamedivisionuk
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Is anyone able to dl workshop model files? none seem to be working for me.

    What do you mean download workshop files
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Download workshop files.

    Lol, the hero packs on the worshop requirements page. I also picked up some malware in firefox somehow that keeps popping up vids, I think it might be blocking links from going through, i dunno. Hmmm, I had Sendori on my comp for some reason, dont remember.
    Think it was the issue, files dling fine now.
  • gamedivisionuk
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Download workshop files.

    Lol, the hero packs on the worshop requirements page. I also picked up some malware in firefox somehow that keeps popping up vids, I think it might be blocking links from going through, i dunno. Hmmm, I had Sendori on my comp for some reason, dont remember.
    Think it was the issue, files dling fine now.

    Yeah I can download files no problem
  • Q-ro
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Q-ro, better get all those links up like first page says in one post ;)

    OMG, sorry, i had entirely forgotten about it.

    Battle saw of the dragon lord by Q-ro

  • Vovosunt
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    Vovosunt polycounter lvl 4
    Hey guys!
    Managed to scramble up this thing in the last few days! :D

    Dragon's Breath by Vovosunt


    and wips:

  • Reza
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    Reza polycounter lvl 3
    Shock wrote: »
    - riding heroes: chen, mirana, batrider, abbadon, luna, *gyro*, alchi lol, ck, disrupter, kotl, *timber*

    yes! :)
  • Reyne
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    Reyne polycounter lvl 6
    Began painting up the diffuse texture for this a few hours ago when my Intuos 5 died on me. Man, sadness. Anyway, I Might get some more work done on it with a tablet I can borrow tomorrow, but I don't think I will have it done for the monthly competition.

    Teach me for starting so late.

    Anyway, imma go cry some more.

    Good luck everyone, keep up the hard work :3

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