Since hard surface is not one of my strong sides, I forced myself to model something in hopes of a remedy for said weakness; the vintage Ronson Typhoon lighter.
Since I've actually ordered one off of ebay just for this project, I've been measuring, eyeballing and cross-referencing it against the original US patent. The dimensions are pretty spot on. I hope.
Anyway, my goal here is to recreate the physical prop as a fully textured and functional game asset in UE4(PBR), and have it as an active light source in dim areas.
Here's the high poly process I´ve made so far. Still needs the grill-holes-thingies on the side and the indent for the spinny thing.
Wow, my terminology is.. non-existent.
I'll give you a virtual high-five in exchange for feedback! Deal?
Not really sure what the etiquette is for posting high poly wireframes. Never done so. Like, ever..
And here are the references I'll be working off of.