When I was working in Max I haven't got such a problem, but now in blender i don't know what's going on

I've got weird "seams" on 90 degree corners no matter if UV islands are stitched or not, and on high poly they're only beveled a little. I was using edge split modifier method, here is the result.

When I try to use model without edges splited it totally looks like shit (low poly edges on bake, gradients everywhere etc.). If you know any other method how to properly export lowpoly to xN I would be grateful.
and the gradients are not a problem in general, if you have synced pipeline, however the gradients to get messy with compression so less gradients should be preferred
And this is what I get when I'm not using edge split method:
And on the model:
Seams looks ok, but as you can see (marked with red) there are some issues on flat geometry.
Also I've made mistake and put that gradiented normal map on "splitted" model... Here it's how it looks like on model I've baked it to:
Not bad i think, but there are still issues on flat geo.
It's barely visible but highlights a lot on extreme viewing/light angles.
when you have a smoothingroup split you HAVE to use a uv split, you don't have to do this the other way around tho.
i can only guess but unless blender and xnormal are synched there will always be some issues, slap on a diffuse map and specular and glossiness (or metallness rougness whatevs) and the slight imperfection will be invisible.
Here it is how I'm doing that:
- flatten mapping my UV and then stitching pieces
- select hard edges on the model and mark them as sharp
- apply Edge Split modifier with checked "sharp edges" and without "Edge angle" option
- export with applied modifiers to .obj
As I said it highlights on extreme viewing/light angles:
so I doubt if diffuse and specular will cover this
Frankie, yes, model was triangulated before export.
Have you tried using a cage? Not using one could cause projection issues and repeat details.
I'm on my student internship in indie gamedev studio, model I'm working on is a part of project and I have no idea if I can share it here, sorry
More here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=81154
Here, I've recreated this issue on cube:
And there are my lowpoly export settings:
Perhaps you know this but to make a cage in blender, just duplicate your lowpoly, then in edit mode press alt+s to push the mesh outwards until everything's covered, then remove sharp edges (not sure if this is necessary?) and export.
All the pre-2.71 tutorials are going to tell you to use edge split for sharp edges, but it's no longer the only way.