Its entirely possible that I don't understand the hype because I am too young and have not seen the original but it seemed like just a lot of explosions and no real story?
I love explosions - just not sure I understand what the movie is really about and its hard for me to get excited..
or is this thread only for people who wet their pants and are excited for mad max?
(if that's the case and since I worked on the game, I'll be leaving this thread alone)
I haven't managed to catch the trailer with audio yet, but I'm really surprised by how great this is looking.
For those of you who haven't caught the original, they're a little bit of their time but the first two are still worth a look. Beyond Thunderdome is quite fun too if you're looking for something as campy as all hell.
Not sure how accurate this is, but apparently it's a straight reboot (although I remember reading originally that it was supposed to be set between 1 and 2):
If it's a reboot and they are bringing the series up to date as quoted in that IMDB link, Max should be driving a rusted out Prius instead of a gas guzzling Australian-only V8 muscle car. The whole series is based around a fuel shortage after all.
I was pretty sure Fury Road had been in development for over 25 years, including a fleshed out plot and the same subtitle. Mel Gibson was even going to return, so at one point the story existed in continuity and it wasn't considered a reboot until recently.
That's the story. They were also going to hand it over to Doctor D to make into an animated movie for a while there too. I'm slightly disappointed that we're unlikely to ever see that one.
Its entirely possible that I don't understand the hype because I am too young and have not seen the original but it seemed like just a lot of explosions and no real story?
I love explosions - just not sure I understand what the movie is really about and its hard for me to get excited..
watch the original. do it now.
also: i'm geeking all over the damn place for this movie.
The guy playing the villain is the same actor who played Toecutter in the first one.
radiancef0rge: I recommend watching the originals, even just for a some history on their huge impact on entertainment, especially Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. Suddenly everyone realized they could cut their budgets drastically by just filming in a desert and saying it's a post apocalyptic wasteland. It also greatly influenced games like Wasteland, Fallout, Rage and many others.
I'm not sure how the slow pace of the first one will hold up for a younger audience. I'm also curious about how one of the big shocking moments, that I won't spoil here, will be recieved; it's probably pretty tame by today's standards.
I was going to post the '79 trailer but it's that old style of trailers that basically cut the entire movie down a trailer, spoiling everything!
The first movie is pretty rad but is super slow and feels like nothing happens plot wise until the last 20 minutes. However, the car chases are pretty sweet. I have not seen the second one but when I saw the third the same time I saw the first it was really shocking how different the movies are. I do love the 3rd one though.
Very excited to see this. I am a big fan of movies 2 and 3. I am glad they stayed with the same art direction, as it feels like you could splice sections of this trailer into 'the road warrior' film and it would fit stylistically.
Sites say the ladies in white are Immortan Joe's "wives"
the tattoos being inscribed into Max's back where stuff like O negative, universal donor, intact genitals, fast healer, etc...
So my theory is it's about clean genetic stock and Furiosa isn't rescuing the wives just because it's a nice thing to do but to breed healthy children for her colony.
Thank you for the heads up on Furiosa! I had no idea.
As for the pace of the first one, it had to be that slow. The world was still running. The chaos hadn't happened yet, however did you notice the condition of the police station?
The offices were all some services weren't running.
the trailer was to micheal bay for my taste. the girls in white seemed very shoehorned in. why make them obvious damsels in distress? if you want to get some scantly clad women in there, which of course is almost mandatory, considering the target audience, why not go with baddass punk girls in leather outfits? like the shaved one?
but yeah, nice car crashes.
also, hype threads fill no purpose. you arent getting paid to advertise, so why not have threads where people can speak their opinons instead? and i mean, positive AND negative.
thats how discussions get started and then everyone benefits.
Could be a good movie, but I'm getting real tired of these trailers that either spoil the entire plot, or in this case which show you every single noteworthy action sequence in the movie.
i did read through the whole thread actually. its not that long.
what if we discussed what we think about the mad max trailer, instead of discussing our right to discuss it?
ill start. i really like the beginning, the flares and the silence, and the first carcrash looks awsome. later though, i get annoyed by the white clad girls, they look really out of place, clean when everyone is dirty. feels contrived for the sake of sexiness. prefer the look of the shaved girl. over all, i guess people could look more freaky, like the small glimpses of the guy with skull teeth mask.
main character, max?, looks plain.
it doesnt seem like it, but i hope they dare to make the main character intersting. i mean, they usually reserve all the freaky stuff for the villians. the main character ends up being plain white regular dude, that only reacts to all the freakyness. would be cool to fill hes whole face with pierchings and tattos. make him more of an anti hero, doing some questinable things. tank girl comes to mind. shes cool. they should make her the main character of this movie.
@stickadtroja-... Okay I honestly cant tell if you're trolling now. Why the hell would tank girl be the main character of a Mad Max film?
Have you seen any of the Mad Max series?
Could be a good movie, but I'm getting real tired of these trailers that either spoil the entire plot, or in this case which show you every single noteworthy action sequence in the movie.
you think that's spoiling the entire plot? Check youtube for old movie trailers from the 70's and 80's, they basically cut the entire movie down to 3 minutes.
[ame=""]The Road Warrior (1981) - Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Like I mentioned before, I think the women in white are simple damsels in distress as much as
I think that tanker was full of gas
(I tagged that bit for those that haven't seen Mad Max 2)
This should be an 18 - the first two were - third one wasn't as good, a bit diluted. The first one because of the rape scene, and the second one because of the similar themes - shit was scary when I was 10.
First Mad Max film was by far the best for me - complete psychos against a police force that is too underpowered to cope. Brutal imagery of how humans can be - and can still be in this modern age. Won't post any spoilers since you all need to see the first movie.
you think that's spoiling the entire plot? Check youtube for old movie trailers from the 70's and 80's, they basically cut the entire movie down to 3 minutes. The Road Warrior (1981) - Movie Trailer - YouTube
Nah, I think it's a case of "here's every single action shot in our movie in one trailer now come watch it to see how it all fits together"
mr.hobo, ive seen the two first ones.
and no im not trolling.
as i was saying, i bored of the white, chiseled jaw, 30ish guy that is the main character of everything now days.
if you are doing a remake, you should want to add something new to the old film. and yes i get that people want to see the old setting with new enchanced super effects that computer allows us now.
BUT, why must that come of a cost of watering down everything else? why cant there be some evolment to the original story aswell? for example, maybe new characters? maybe a new main character that brings something new to the table? tank girl was just a reference of a cool character in a post apoc setting.
well the proposed title for the sequel is Mad Max: Furiosa, the name of Charlize Theron's character, it seems like she's a pivotal character. There's also another woman in the trailer that I suspect three quarters of the internet just thinks "oh it's a dude with long hair".
It's been stated that this takes place between Mad Max 2 & 3, it's not a reboot, it's just that Mel Gibson is too old and a PR liability to be cast as the lead.
For comparison you should be upset that George Lucas cut all the women pilots out of Star Wars not the fact that Indiana Jones was played by Harrison Ford rather than Sigourney Weaver in the Crystal Skull (there's a bunch of other things to dislike about that movie!).
that sounds pretty cool, the furiosa part. i rather see that then this honestly.
i dont buy that. now days things like prequel, sequel, reboot and remake gets thrown around alot. and it doesnt matter at all. you cant really connect a movie aimed at the youth of this time with the latest cgi effects, to a 80s movie with low budget. im pretty sure, they are not going to be anything alike.
which however doesnt have to be a bad thing. i mean, if they did something fresh with the old material, as i said with new characters, or interesting twists to the old material, it would be cool. but the way hollywood has done this the last 10 years leave me to think they wont. they want something to strap giant explosions to, and some film that kids have heard their older siblings talk about once will work as the source material.
i just want to say, putting women in films, eventhough deeply needed, isnt the only solution the problem i talk about.
you could make mad max interesting in other ways. make him gay. or black. screw up hes face with piercings. give him some depth. maybe hes a cannibal or something.
an example of a main character that looked really cliche, but werent is the guy in snowpiercer. i thought, yeah another 30ish white guy, but then he had a lot of interesting shit going on.
maybe this mad max will aswell. i dont know. im just not very optimistic.
Is it aimed at today's youth? From what I've seen most people in their 20's and under are saying "meh, I've never seen the originals, not excited". Is it the moody cover of a Cat Stevens song that's meant to appeal to them? Does that demographic even know who Cat Stevens is?
George Miller has wanted to make this movie for about 25 years, now the GenX crowd is grown up, making money, and ready for a new Mad Max. It's like all the movies and tv shows geared towards the Baby Boomers in the 80's & 90's.
Besides from all that, there are some wonderful artsy shots in that trailer, comparing it to Bay is a disservice. Explosions aren't the trade mark of Michael Bay, it's the way he shoots. Yes, I was made aware of his exact techniques from that Bay breakdown video but I always could sense the Bay-esque feeling of a movie and I've got a little bit of film school learnings under my belt.
update: I found out the Wild World cover is by Junkie XL, I can't find a version of it outside of the trailer though.
whats the rating on this one? if you are correct, surely it would be 18+ with full frontal nudety, right? i mean, there would be no reason not to have it, if the goal was the people who actaully saw the originals. they would be 40 now. at least.
also i didnt notice it was a cat stevens song. so i think that has very little to do with the intended demographic.
i guess we can never actaully know, which the target audience is, but from what i seen from hollywood, its not like they are counting of us having seen the films they base this stuff on.
the new startrek film didnt really care if you seen the old series or not. neither have any other remake ive seen. there has never been a moment like this "i didnt get that, cuz i never saw the old movies" happen to anyone since this whole remake era began.
this is just what i think, i guess, but i think they aim for the bigger audiences with all these movies, and dont care that much about the people who saw the originals.
do you think everyone who saw avangers are fans of the comics?
i guess this doenst HAVE to be a remake of the same kind hollywood has pumped out for years now, surely this could be some really amazing, original passion project, but nothing so far has made me belive that. i hope i will get positively suprised, but i dont count on it.
whats the rating on this one? if you are correct, surely it would be 18+ with full frontal nudety, right? i mean, there would be no reason not to have it, if the goal was the people who actaully saw the originals. they would be 40 now. at least.
Wait, why would it be rated NC17? Full frontal potentially puts you in NC17 range in the US, higher than the R rating, what used to be called rated X. In the US the first two were rated R because they were harder than PG and PG 13 did not yet exist. I haven't watched the first one in a while so I can't pass judgement if it would be PG13 in this age but I think the second one would. Even though nudity and violence is termed mature, you actually find it less appealing as you age.
I'm 34, I didn't see them in the theaters but Mad Max was a known thing to us kids. I remember the hushed tones we discussed the brutality in the first movie, I think a schoolmate had it described to him by an older sibling and it transformed into a legend of a movie more brutal and gory than it actually was.
yeah i guess.
but dont you agree about my other points? it doesnt really matter who the target audince is, the point is that these remake films needs to add something more than just fancy cgi, in my opinion.
if people my age really are the intended audience, i wish we would expect more from these films. something that feels fresh, new and cool. something that pushes the stuff forward. not just reuses.
I don't know, is the post apocalyptic road warrior genre Mad Max created as played out as other genres? I haven't seen it but I figure Book of Eli could fulfill your desire to see Mad Max without Mad Max.
That trailer wasn't as CG heavy as most movies these days, those cars are real & they shot in actual desert locations, the CG is allowing for a pretty realistic looking Haboob (ok mega haboob) which probably would have not looked as good using the old miniature + cloud tank process. Don't get me wrong, I love me some cloud tank.
or is this thread only for people who wet their pants and are excited for mad max?
(if that's the case and since I worked on the game, I'll be leaving this thread alone)
Really? When did you work on it? I worked on it about a year ago..
I am PUMPED for this.. It actually might turn out really fucking cool!
I just came from a screening and it blew my fucking brains right out of my skull. When I left the theater, my hands were shaking, my knees felt weak, and I had a hard time stringing sentences together. Absolutely the best movie I've seen this year (and possibly in the past few years), and instantly in my top ten favorite movies of all time.
Only waiting here since
Which of course means he can't die or get seriously injured.
I love explosions - just not sure I understand what the movie is really about and its hard for me to get excited..
or is this thread only for people who wet their pants and are excited for mad max?
(if that's the case and since I worked on the game, I'll be leaving this thread alone)
I haven't managed to catch the trailer with audio yet, but I'm really surprised by how great this is looking.
For those of you who haven't caught the original, they're a little bit of their time but the first two are still worth a look. Beyond Thunderdome is quite fun too if you're looking for something as campy as all hell.
Also, news sources are generally referring to this as a reboot as well.
I was pretty sure Fury Road had been in development for over 25 years, including a fleshed out plot and the same subtitle. Mel Gibson was even going to return, so at one point the story existed in continuity and it wasn't considered a reboot until recently.
REally really excited for this!
Since a proper orange desert with blue sky and burning sun is not present on these screens I fail to see any mad maxey vibe in them
watch the original. do it now.
also: i'm geeking all over the damn place for this movie.
radiancef0rge: I recommend watching the originals, even just for a some history on their huge impact on entertainment, especially Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. Suddenly everyone realized they could cut their budgets drastically by just filming in a desert and saying it's a post apocalyptic wasteland. It also greatly influenced games like Wasteland, Fallout, Rage and many others.
I'm not sure how the slow pace of the first one will hold up for a younger audience. I'm also curious about how one of the big shocking moments, that I won't spoil here, will be recieved; it's probably pretty tame by today's standards.
I was going to post the '79 trailer but it's that old style of trailers that basically cut the entire movie down a trailer, spoiling everything!
I'm pretty sure the first two would be rated PG-13 if the rating existed at the time, it was introduced in '84.
the tattoos being inscribed into Max's back where stuff like O negative, universal donor, intact genitals, fast healer, etc...
So my theory is it's about clean genetic stock and Furiosa isn't rescuing the wives just because it's a nice thing to do but to breed healthy children for her colony.
As for the pace of the first one, it had to be that slow. The world was still running. The chaos hadn't happened yet, however did you notice the condition of the police station?
The offices were all some services weren't running.
but yeah, nice car crashes.
also, hype threads fill no purpose. you arent getting paid to advertise, so why not have threads where people can speak their opinons instead? and i mean, positive AND negative.
thats how discussions get started and then everyone benefits.
what if we discussed what we think about the mad max trailer, instead of discussing our right to discuss it?
ill start. i really like the beginning, the flares and the silence, and the first carcrash looks awsome. later though, i get annoyed by the white clad girls, they look really out of place, clean when everyone is dirty. feels contrived for the sake of sexiness. prefer the look of the shaved girl. over all, i guess people could look more freaky, like the small glimpses of the guy with skull teeth mask.
main character, max?, looks plain.
it doesnt seem like it, but i hope they dare to make the main character intersting. i mean, they usually reserve all the freaky stuff for the villians. the main character ends up being plain white regular dude, that only reacts to all the freakyness. would be cool to fill hes whole face with pierchings and tattos. make him more of an anti hero, doing some questinable things. tank girl comes to mind. shes cool. they should make her the main character of this movie.
Have you seen any of the Mad Max series?
Mad Max also comes to mind as well, hopefully they based this character on Mad Max :P
you think that's spoiling the entire plot? Check youtube for old movie trailers from the 70's and 80's, they basically cut the entire movie down to 3 minutes.
Like I mentioned before, I think the women in white are simple damsels in distress as much as
First Mad Max film was by far the best for me - complete psychos against a police force that is too underpowered to cope. Brutal imagery of how humans can be - and can still be in this modern age. Won't post any spoilers since you all need to see the first movie.
Some great spin-offs:
Nah, I think it's a case of "here's every single action shot in our movie in one trailer now come watch it to see how it all fits together"
and no im not trolling.
as i was saying, i bored of the white, chiseled jaw, 30ish guy that is the main character of everything now days.
if you are doing a remake, you should want to add something new to the old film. and yes i get that people want to see the old setting with new enchanced super effects that computer allows us now.
BUT, why must that come of a cost of watering down everything else? why cant there be some evolment to the original story aswell? for example, maybe new characters? maybe a new main character that brings something new to the table? tank girl was just a reference of a cool character in a post apoc setting.
It's been stated that this takes place between Mad Max 2 & 3, it's not a reboot, it's just that Mel Gibson is too old and a PR liability to be cast as the lead.
For comparison you should be upset that George Lucas cut all the women pilots out of Star Wars not the fact that Indiana Jones was played by Harrison Ford rather than Sigourney Weaver in the Crystal Skull (there's a bunch of other things to dislike about that movie!).
i dont buy that. now days things like prequel, sequel, reboot and remake gets thrown around alot. and it doesnt matter at all. you cant really connect a movie aimed at the youth of this time with the latest cgi effects, to a 80s movie with low budget. im pretty sure, they are not going to be anything alike.
which however doesnt have to be a bad thing. i mean, if they did something fresh with the old material, as i said with new characters, or interesting twists to the old material, it would be cool. but the way hollywood has done this the last 10 years leave me to think they wont. they want something to strap giant explosions to, and some film that kids have heard their older siblings talk about once will work as the source material.
i just want to say, putting women in films, eventhough deeply needed, isnt the only solution the problem i talk about.
you could make mad max interesting in other ways. make him gay. or black. screw up hes face with piercings. give him some depth. maybe hes a cannibal or something.
an example of a main character that looked really cliche, but werent is the guy in snowpiercer. i thought, yeah another 30ish white guy, but then he had a lot of interesting shit going on.
maybe this mad max will aswell. i dont know. im just not very optimistic.
George Miller has wanted to make this movie for about 25 years, now the GenX crowd is grown up, making money, and ready for a new Mad Max. It's like all the movies and tv shows geared towards the Baby Boomers in the 80's & 90's.
Besides from all that, there are some wonderful artsy shots in that trailer, comparing it to Bay is a disservice. Explosions aren't the trade mark of Michael Bay, it's the way he shoots. Yes, I was made aware of his exact techniques from that Bay breakdown video but I always could sense the Bay-esque feeling of a movie and I've got a little bit of film school learnings under my belt.
update: I found out the Wild World cover is by Junkie XL, I can't find a version of it outside of the trailer though.
also i didnt notice it was a cat stevens song. so i think that has very little to do with the intended demographic.
i guess we can never actaully know, which the target audience is, but from what i seen from hollywood, its not like they are counting of us having seen the films they base this stuff on.
the new startrek film didnt really care if you seen the old series or not. neither have any other remake ive seen. there has never been a moment like this "i didnt get that, cuz i never saw the old movies" happen to anyone since this whole remake era began.
this is just what i think, i guess, but i think they aim for the bigger audiences with all these movies, and dont care that much about the people who saw the originals.
do you think everyone who saw avangers are fans of the comics?
i guess this doenst HAVE to be a remake of the same kind hollywood has pumped out for years now, surely this could be some really amazing, original passion project, but nothing so far has made me belive that. i hope i will get positively suprised, but i dont count on it.
Wait, why would it be rated NC17? Full frontal potentially puts you in NC17 range in the US, higher than the R rating, what used to be called rated X. In the US the first two were rated R because they were harder than PG and PG 13 did not yet exist. I haven't watched the first one in a while so I can't pass judgement if it would be PG13 in this age but I think the second one would. Even though nudity and violence is termed mature, you actually find it less appealing as you age.
I'm 34, I didn't see them in the theaters but Mad Max was a known thing to us kids. I remember the hushed tones we discussed the brutality in the first movie, I think a schoolmate had it described to him by an older sibling and it transformed into a legend of a movie more brutal and gory than it actually was.
but dont you agree about my other points? it doesnt really matter who the target audince is, the point is that these remake films needs to add something more than just fancy cgi, in my opinion.
if people my age really are the intended audience, i wish we would expect more from these films. something that feels fresh, new and cool. something that pushes the stuff forward. not just reuses.
That trailer wasn't as CG heavy as most movies these days, those cars are real & they shot in actual desert locations, the CG is allowing for a pretty realistic looking Haboob (ok mega haboob) which probably would have not looked as good using the old miniature + cloud tank process. Don't get me wrong, I love me some cloud tank.
Really? When did you work on it? I worked on it about a year ago..
I am PUMPED for this.. It actually might turn out really fucking cool!
Anybody else see this?
Because if you haven't, you should.
I just came from a screening and it blew my fucking brains right out of my skull. When I left the theater, my hands were shaking, my knees felt weak, and I had a hard time stringing sentences together. Absolutely the best movie I've seen this year (and possibly in the past few years), and instantly in my top ten favorite movies of all time.
Go see this movie.