I did just face an issue I have strangely not faced before. I am to create some film assets, I have only worked on game assets before, and I have run into some issues when it comes to the UV-mapping.
As the models are subd, and the UV-map should be done at as low level as possible, preferably without any smoothing levels applied at all, I get quite a lot of distortion when I apply smoothing (turbosmooth in 3ds max) to the model. I see no issue if I could create the UV map on a more divided version to start with but that is not my choice to make.
So any advice on how to uv map at the base low-poly level with minimum distortion at 2xdivision latar?
Checked now and no, I can not find any option to smooth uvs, or change uv smoothing method in 3dsMax 2014 using turbosmooth.
not pretty, but if it works right?
Edge flow is the key here. Since with mid level model where you ll apply turbosmooth there will be new edges added at crucial areas that is why you get UV distortion cause hard turns into smooth. But if you add turbosmooth level 1 you are good to go