got tired of manually having to export passes in zbrush so i started making this script
its used for saving out passes in zbrush in one click with a bunch of extra stuff like lighting passes
This is very rough but its functional for what i wanted out of it, it would take me way too much time to find out how to setup a proper UI for materialpass selection so i`m not going to bother with it atm. If you want to try to do so be my guest ! Do whatever you want with the code its the raw txt in there so you can adjust it.
if you want to try it out just copy the content in this rar to your default zbrush folder (dlls in there are these
http://docs.pixologic.com/user-guide/customizing-zbrush/zscripting/zfileutils/ and are needed for some functions)
long live Ravenslayer!
You can get it on gumroad for free https://gumroad.com/l/yJVG
I finally finished my BPRBatch script for zbrush
It now has a UI so you can select only the materials and passes you want and it has a few more nifty extras to speed up your pass exporting.