At work and in the past I have had no problems, this is a recent problem at home.
When I import FBX's I have created in other scenes and try to import them into another scene, sometimes they do not import at all, or only some of the assets contained within the FBX's group show up.
It seems to happen if Maya is trying to import an object that is already in the scene, or is named the same. This is problematic because there are times I'll import an object, edit it, and want a fresh one to work off of for another part of my scene. This is where Maya refuses to import a new FBX. I've tried different naming conventions to no avail.
It imports the group, which is empty and has nothing contained. Has anyone ever run into this problem? And if so, what did you do to fix it? I've tried to alter the FBX import settings until I've exhausted all the options, so I'm out of ideas.