I've seen a lot of example or article on about construct a modular building but all that I found is for office building/ large structures/ anything that fall on 'grid'. Now I'm just wondering, what about smaller building like houses? how would you do/ plan the modularity?
Example of a game, think about Assassin's Creed 4 (Nassau area), how would be the best practice to break up the modularity pieces?
Example WIP of what I got right now, each of the window frames are the same, does it mean it's better for me to model a single piece and duplicate it in the game engine (in my case; UE4) or limit it to only separate a piece that required special treatment (for example door that might get animated)?

There will be other houses that have similar window frame as the one above.
My concern is about UV2 light map, if I merge the windows into the main house object, it'll eat up quite a lot of UV2 space but if I break it apart to be a modular piece on its own, I will save extra UV2 space on the main house object and only added a smaller dedicated UV space for the window alone.
Does it make any sense?
I don't have much experience with Unreal tho. So wheter it's better for the windows to be seperate props someone else needs to answer.