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UV-Layout after triangulating

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starcow polycount sponsor
Hi guys

Please excuse my bad english, I do my best. :)

I have a quick question about the create a UV layout.

My model is build of only quads.
After triangulating I have double checked the UV shells.
I use UV layout professional for this task.

The interesting point is:
If I flaten out the UV shells again (after the triangulation), they get a different shape than before.

So my question is, what is the better way?
Should I (after triangulation) optimizing the UV layout again?
If I do that, the UV layout fits no longer on the quad version.
Or shoud i use the "original quad" UV-Layout.

I am grateful for your help.




  • Harbinger
    Offline / Send Message
    Harbinger polycounter lvl 8
    My guess is that you're only seeing tiny differences in the triangulated version's flatten?

    It all depends on workflow, but I'd suggest that you don't need to worry about flattening the UV's again after you triangulate. In my own workflow, I triangulate my meshes as the last step before baking and exporting. I keep a copy of my quad mesh around in case I ever need to go back.
  • starcow
    Offline / Send Message
    starcow polycount sponsor
    Thanks for your answer Harbinger!
    Yes, indeed. The difference of the distortion between the quad-version and the triangulated-version on the 3D-Mesh is very low.

    I will keep the original quad-version of the UV-Layout.
    Thx for helping!

    - starcow
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