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Material problem (Tiling?)

polycounter lvl 6
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solidshark91493 polycounter lvl 6
Alright its been a while since ive been in here but I have a question for you all, I feel like im doing something really stupid. Or rather, theres a simple solution.. On to what Im struggling with.
Im following a Pflow tutorial located here:

I followed his material for the terrain as exact as I could (Id still like it to be a slight bit different). Starts at the 15 minute mark. And it looks exactly the same, but when I look at my scene it shows it looking like mud. Well I figured out why, but I cant figure out how to fix it. This is the issue:

It looks like it has CRAZY wrong tiling but Ive tried lowering it and it still looks wrong, my plane is the same size as his was. I made sure the units were the same. Im not sure where to go from here :|
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


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