I'm hoping to start out in the games industry!
My main goal is to become a character artist and to that end I have begun overhauling my portfolio to be nothing but characters in order to show off my best range of work.
I still have a lot to learn so what I was hoping for was some critique on a study I completed today.
You can't hurt my feelings when it comes to critique of my work!

the only thing I have to say is that your body might need to be a bit wider and that he is quite short, well, if you go by the method of counting heads, he is less than the average man standing at 7.5 heads from top to bottom, yours is 7, well, if you intended to make him quite short so its fine.
and one other thing I mentioned right now is that the bump on your wrist right near the palm, the bump created by the ulna is misplaced, you are supposed to see it from the front view, but you can see it only from the side, but again, amazing, amazing, amazing job!
you can see from the front the bump on the right side
These are male and female base meshes for future projects:[SKETCHFAB]75ce051aec4d478ba974bd9de99239a6[/SKETCHFAB]
I feel like Ive improved a little! But I'm going to keep pushing. But these meshes will be great when I start pulling together character designs for my reel!