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Character Artist switching to Environment Artist?

polycounter lvl 6
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manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
I'm debating weather I should take a break from character modeling and switch to environments. I always wanted to become a character modeler but it seems like switching to environments may be the better option. I was told it is easier to get a job doing environments than it is doing characters.

Character modeling is competitive and takes a great deal of understanding anatomy and making textures. Environments takes a great deal of skills as well but environments are not as competitive and 90% of the models you see in video games are from the environments. To be honest I think applying as an environment artist is an easier path to get into the gaming industry than it is character modeling.

I really want in on this gaming industry. I'm 22 and plan to get in before I hit 25. Rockstar Games is what I preferably aim for to get in as an environment artist. I was talking to an character artist on the polycount hangouts and asked him a whole bunch of questions about how he got in, what he studied, how long.. etc. I asked him about what advice he could give me as a graduate trying to find a job. He looked at my portfolio and said " work on your and anatomy and drapery." he also said "And not becoming a character artist" His reason because he feels he could have gotten in on the gaming industry years ago if he did environments. This guy took a Game Design program for 4 years and did 4 years of Fine Arts after.

I've also heard people who wanted to do characters switch to environments. I'm guessing because it's simply easier? What do you guys think? Does it ultimately depend? Did you guys end up switching? Please let me know..


  • trebor777
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    trebor777 polycounter lvl 10
    As Yoda said:
    “If you end your training now — if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did — you will become an agent of evil.”

    More seriously, if you don't want to put the work in to be what you want to be... I don't really see the point. More than skills it's your mindset that needs training.
    Environment is only "easier" to get into because of a workload scale... You need more people to do it that's all.
    You might as well think as becoming a becoming a doctor or physiotherapist, cause you know, we'll always need healthcare, so it's an easy job to get into.

    Be patient, work your anatomy/cloth skills, draw, sculpt and draw and sculpt again.
    That's the only way to get in and it's the same in environment.

    A good ticket in though is having strong technical knowledge of things :), everyone loves a TechArtist with a good coding knowledge :)
  • SanderDL
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    SanderDL polycounter lvl 7
    I was confused because there is a similiar thread in general discussion going on:


    I think you could get some good info there.
  • Corazon
    You should really go after what you are interested in and have passion for, because that's the only way that you will put extra effort in.
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