So Gam3rCon is going on this week down in San Diego during the same time as Comic Con and I just found out that I will officially be a panel speaker for one of the Gam3rCon panels
"Breaking into the Games Industry as an Artist"
Super excited as I have never been on a panel and I hope that I can pass on any info that might help aspiring artists break there way into the industry.
It will be 4 other very talented artists and myself from company's such as Respawn, Insomniac and Naughty Dog. I more than likely will be the one saying "Ummmm" between every sentence I speak haha
July 27th, Sunday from 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM in the Fourth Floor Forum Theater. So its a perfect time to go for anyone down for Comic Con as by then I'm sure you will have had your fill of the Con so swing by if you can
Its an hour long panel but I am down to stay after if anyone wants to chat more.