Hi, I am Arun Nagar and i am a Contract Character Artist. I am thinking to improve my Personal portfolio with a new character, which can push my skills far in 3D character. So thiniking to do a Fan-art. I recently saw "The Order 1886" trailer. And I liked it a lot, specially the main character "Sir Galahad". Hope for the best from myself and some crits will definitely push this character further.
So here i start with base mesh, which is modified from Zbrush's Default tool called "Nickz_HumanMale_Average".
Crits are most welcome!

More work on proportions...
hope you like and crits are most welcome.:)
So here is another High Poly WIP, right now second pass in Zbrush, next i will do fine details to call highpoly done! Hope you like.
Crits are most welcome as ususal.:)
why is there not comments over here! Maybe because there's is nothing much to critic on at the moment, it's looking great.
Looking forward to see the progress!
Opened this thread the other day, everything looked amazing, absolutely no critiques, moved on. Nice work :thumbup:
On that note though, I feel they could maybe be bulked up a little to imply that the boots are knee-high under the spats, as opposed to shoes? Shoes would be a little weird to run around in for combat purposes.
@Beefaroni -> Thanks a lot, Glad you like!
@Leleuxart -> Thank you!
@Jacob07777 -> Thanks!
@Rilke -> Thanks!
@Emanual -> Thanks!
@xCrhis -> Thanks for the Crit man! I looked at the game trailers for this and looks like they are Sparts (As BegalHero said) and they are maid with thin lather itself. But again as soon as i will come again on boot part, i will again to some more reserch. Thanks!
@BegalHero -> Thanks for the notes buddy and for the Spat link, i was little confuse before this part.
@Garriola83 -> Thanks!
Update -> Sir Galahad - The Order 1886 Fanart
4th Update on High Poly. Worked on Metal Plates.
Neck, Forearm, Leg's metal plates -> 100% (Highpoly Done)
everything else is just 50% done as Highpoly
I am attaching a metal plate's WIP shot, if anyone interested in process.
Large Image -> [LINK]
Crits are most welcome.:poly142:
High Poly WIP, worked on Boots, gloves and forearm armors.
Larger Image ->
Crits are most welcome.:)
Nothing to crit on once again!
Any tips? or is it just skill?
@Hiten -> I am thinking same this time....:poly142:
@Oxblood -> Thanks! Ahh the Images itself explains, but somewhere i gave some details on this like for Carve details-
1-> drawing of main curves
2-> added leaves and other stuff to fill the design
3-> Push in the Unmask Area and then reverse the mask
4-> Adding little Bump on leaves
5-> Unmask Everything
6-> Some damages added
Hope it helps.:)
@Leinad -> Glad you like.:)
@Direwolf -> Thank you!
@G-Saviour18 -> Thanks my friend.:thumbup:
Here are more of Updates on "Sir Galahad - The Order 1886 Fanart"
Worked on Belts of Torso.
Larger Image -> http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/0e/9f/bf/0e9fbf5b64562e000bbff60db8b36bbf.jpg
Crits are most welcome.:)
@Kustom -> Thanks alot man.. I would love too, but till now this has have more Modeling part than Zbrush Sculpts, i have been switching software alot in this particular character. But yes i would love to share some video next time, but it's not a promise, I will try...:D
Update ->
So after long time i have got some time to work on this character again..
This time i was working on all the accessories on the body..So right now EXCEPT HEAD, everything is done as highpoly...
All your feedback are most welcome as ususal.:)
can't wait to see the progress on the head hehe .
@Pravin ->Thank you.
@Adrien -> Thansk man.;)
@Bronx -> Thanks alot man!
@Guil -> Thanks buddy, yeah i will definitely finish it, no other work till than.:D
@Disanki -> Thanks man.:)
@Peanut -> Thanks buddy.:) It was all human ever since i started this character, where did it look like zombie?..LOL... anyways thanks buddy.:)
I am back with some update! Did some work on head, I hope you like...
Also i have recorded Head's Surface detail video...
You tube link ->
(Sorry i dont know how to show youtube video on forum directly and not just the link, any help?)
Updates ->
I have changed the Head from original Concept by my Dr. Strange Head fanart (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Texture update on Neck Armor and bake done for the head..
Please have a look and share your thoughts on it..
here are marmoset screenshots, please have a look and share your thoughts on it..
Thanks and thoughts on it are most welcome!