Hi Guys!
I'm happy to announce that my Old Inn Scene + Modular Asset Pack has been released in the Unity Asset store.
Asset Store Link:
This fully handcrafted scene features an old tavern with a barroom in the upper floor and a cellar beneath it. Everything was modeled, then sculpted and then painted by hand.
A few facts:
74 FBX Meshes
58 Highres Textures, nearly all hand painted
33 Materials. For more even more variation you can change the materials on prefabs!
65 Prefabs for easy drag'n'drop level creation
everything handcrafted with lots of love
Oculus Rift Support built in
The scene is properly lightbaked and uses effects such as light shafts. In addition to the scene, everything is split up into modular prefabs to enable you to create your own medieval inn, tavern, cellar or dungeon.
If you have any questions, feedback or requests - feel free to contact me here or per email. I really put a lot of time and effort in this package, I hope you guys like it and find it useful.
Kind regards,