Hey guys. Still trying to figure out just what I want to do, so I'm doing some quick photo-bashy, speed painty type things. First round of images is supposed to be a steamy level full of environmental hazards. Lots of risky power-ups and sweet sweet lava doom. Centerpiece is a field of steam-shooting vents leading to a giant heat harvesting factory. This is supposed to be the view of the level from opposing ends.
Definitely going to explore more themes before I decide which direction to go. Thanks for looking!
Some new thumbs from an entirely different setting. Still trying to nail down an idea that resonates for me. I used a different process than my initial round of thumbs, so I thought I would post up early and often. This map is all about using the teslafied circular panels throughout the level to bounce around for for strategic advantage and to access power-ups. Just watch out for the trains that shoot along using the path using those same panels, lest you end a plate of space marine hash.
Comments/feedback much appreciated !
Second version shows the player path to grab the damage power-up. Definitely going to block a few dudes in there, firing in each others faces as they bounce towards the center from opposing sides.
I think the train is totally fine as a hazard for your green theme. I never commented on the green one but a futuristic train station is definitely a theme we haven't seen in UT as far as I know, i dig it.
I had this image in my head of the train being big enough that players battle on there between areas, with vehicles filling the gap and snipers having their heyday.. but it might be a little too complex :P
Thanks for the feedback!
Gonna go ahead and post my stuff here too. Hopefully they sort out the early submission issue soon!
Three shots from my level, which is based what was once a robust factory which harvested heat from active volcano runoff. Now it's starting to fall apart, and you have to fight amidst the chaos. First image is the level entry point and the one area that's still somewhat operational. Second and third show the chaotic journey through the rest of the level, which is full of environmental hazards- such as the out of control trains that pass by on the rails constantly, not to mention piping hot magma spouts.
i've been doing that for the last couple years. helps me maintain focus on how the map PLAYS since how it LOOKS is inherently taken care of by artistic sensibilities. also gives me a few moments to put down the wacom pen and actually picture a little dude running around the map. personally, i find it helps me keep motivated through some of the tedious details ;]
edit: hm, a little bummed you literally used my exact idea, wording and style (even copy and pasting elements from my layout) for your finals submissions. you're not really supposed to use other people's ideas to get ahead in these competitions.
Yeah, I pictured the fans as player controlled environmental hazards/opportunities. Like, two players brawling on their way to nab that quad damage, one gets taken down.. but respawns, turns on the fan and bounces his way up there first for some quick revenge. Or maybe someone spots another player headed for the shortcut bounce route to the quad and flips the fans, sucking the poor bastard in for insta-gibs ha.