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art work critique

polycounter lvl 9
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Zin83 polycounter lvl 9
I'd like to get some critiques/suggestions about my art work. Please take a look.



  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Nice work man. I like certain pieces from each env but as a whole, each env is somewhat mediocre and lackluster. That pillar at the bottom is fantastic. Even though your env have a lot going on, you should definitely highlight some of the individual assets over the scenes because they speak louder than the entire scenes, UNLESS you plan on doing another texture/lighting pass on each scene. Just as an example, the scifi room wall panel is nice but the floor piece, the tubes seem to lack the same level of detail or quality. The laundry mat is decent but the grass looks off and the dryer door looks low poly. The dockhouse is going for a stylized vibe, i get it, but it just looks untextured and really low poly. This may be the weakest piece you have and I would just eliminate it. I actually like the hotel scene a lot but it could still use some touchup. The gun looks decent but its very splotchy in areas and you have these strange black scratches that look odd to me. Again, overall your stuff is solid but needs an extra push.
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Adding to what slosh said, I might repeat some.

    Not sure if you should put your professional work at the top there, since I think you personal work is of a higher quality.

    The dock should go as slosh said, just doesn't look very good.

    I would take out everything that is untextured, have only finished work on the portfolio use a blog for WIPs.
    Would also suggest you focus more on your texturing for future projects, since some of it seems random and not very defined.
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