One of the first projects I wanted to tackle was creating a dragon egg from Game of Thrones. It looked simple and easy to do as a beginner, and boy was I wrong. I cannot seem to figure out how to pull it off.
Here is a link to another user who was looking for the same help, forgive my asking again but I cannot seem to figure it out still, even with this thread.
I should just give up and move onto something easier, but I have already wasted hours and hours trying to get this one right that I just can't bring myself to give up just yet.
To whoever can get me through modeling this, I will personally send you a 3d printed copy!
If you have access to ZBrush however look into surface noise:
I just had a thought, model one of the scales then use a radial array and base your numbers on the Fibonacci sequence:
In related news, I did a trial run of my idea in max:
That was only done in about 10 minutes or so, so if you put more time into it it's easily possible.
All I did was make a 3 sided cylinder (a triangle basically), turbosmooth it, and bend it. Then I made a helix spline, used an FFD modifier to make it sort of egg shaped then used the tools > align > spacing tool, to instance the geometry around the spline.
Hope this helps (please keep in mind I've spent no more than 5 mins knocking this up so you'll have to refine the idea).
From Left to Right:
1. Model a basic scale shape
2. Turbosmooth it and adjust shape as necessary
3. Modify alignment and correct pivot (might take a bit of trial an error combined with the next stages)
4. Create a spline for the scale to follow
5. Use Tools > Align > Spacing Tool to create multiple scales along your spline
6. Offset every other scale (assuming you want that kind of look)
7. Combine these scales into one object (in my case I had to rotate the whole collection somewhat so that the top and botton scales were above each other) and move the pivot to what will be the center of the egg
8. Use Tools > Array and set rotation in Z to 360degress, then up the number of instances in the array.
In this example I think it would have worked better if I'd curved the original scale slightly and done some scaling down of the scales towards the top and botton.
As I say, there will be some trial and error with this method unless you're a maths whizz.
Good luck
I'll PM you my address
In the end I ended up succeeding with Mudbox and a stencil layer.
Still not entirely happy with it, but at least it is some progress!
That is a damn fine looking egg for 5 minutes of mock up btw!