so when using the cintiq 22hd and running the 3do previewer on my main monitor, it will jack your stroke, when lifting the pen. i can replicate this and video cap it if needed.
i think since 3do and ddo are hooked to photoshop the 3do window is in "active state" and constantly refreshing,,,, so when i make a pen stroke, when i start lifting the pen it seems the cursor wants to snap to the active window causing a pen stoke across my texture. this makes my cintiq unusable when the 3do window is active, big problem. let me know if you have a suggested fix. or recommended work around.
This is a known issue but there is a workaround: in the SUITE toolbar menu, click Make 3DO Topmost. This will unhook 3DO from PS and should stop the hijacking issues. Let me know if this does not do the trick for you.
- Teddy