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AnimSet Editor viewing sub-assemblies

I hope this makes sense, but in the AnimSet Editor, is there a way to preview sub assembly objects?

For example if I have a CAR object with sockets for the tires. I can preview mesh and I see the tires with no issues. However, if I have sockets on the TIRE object where the lug nuts are supposed to be, I can't see it when I preview mesh unless I open up a separate editor window for just the TIRE object and its appropriate sockets.

Is there a way to preview the entire CAR object with Tire object and LUG NUT objects in one window?

Thank you for any help on this,



  • theStudent
    Just thought I'd share this info in case anyone runs into the same question, but after speaking to one of the ue3 trainers yesterday, they said there was not a way of doing previews of full assemblies with full sub-assemblies in the animSet Editor. You can only view them one assembly at a time.
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