Hello everyone,
I am currently a beginner/intermediate 3D modeller, I am studying game design and development at university and I'm currently on my summer break in the long run after my time at uni I hope to be a environment artist/3D asset creator.For the past month or so I've had off so far I have been trying to find the motivation to learn and enhance my 3D knowledge I'm going to be at my last year at uni when I return and at the moment I feel my skills aren't up to standards anywhere near they need to be, I find it hard to find motivation when I create something and it never turns out quite want I wanted to be, I think this could be down to not knowing enough in the subject area, I was wondering whether it would be a good idea and would be possible in my last month and a half off to be able to use something like digital tutors to try and enhance my skills so that I can be ready to produce something worth while in my final year at uni. I'd like to know your guys opinions on this and whether or not DT is worth using as I feel if I carried with my current skill set I would be stuck with the same bog standard results..
here is my uni blog of my previous projects so you can get an idea of the work I produced which in my eyes is way behind the standard I should be at after 2 years at uni..
I would seriously look into texturing more as at the moment its like you've simply used a spackle brush and gone to town grunging up the walls of everything lowering the overall appearance. I'm not sure if you had normal map problems or not but the final mesh certainly lacks normal detail.
I would simply use the time left to assign yourself an environmental project that pushes you outside your comfort zone, as that's the best way to learn. Try modeling something other than simple box forms.