I am working on an open world style urban game. I gave a lot of thought to the street but none to the yard. And I have a lot of yard space that I need to somehow fill. I need a solution that involves broad strokes or I will be filling backyards until the end of time.
I have never done this before. What do the pros do to fill hundreds of backyards in an urban game?
here is a view of the yards in one block and I have 11 more streets just like this one:

You really need a procedural approach to city generation. As long as the spaces are not meant to be carefully designed for gameplay reasons (pacing, cover, combat rhythm, etc.) then you can get away with filling things in semi-randomly, based on rule sets. For example:
It is always nice to get an answer here from the real artists. I am still not sure what to do. I do want some parts of the area to be accessible and there are some accessible rooftops so I can't just block them off completely. Also I really like having space between some of the buildings as it is closer to what you would find in the real world. Here is a google maps link to the real world area I am trying to create: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.706323,-73.931905,3a,75y,199.01h,81.73t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1smLoTjaakpodPLZlTbHpEQw!2e0 As you can see there is a lot of empty space. Each vacant lot in the real world is used very differently. I had tried individual yards and not only was it time consuming it just didn't look right.
I think I will fence off a few really large areas. Throw in some rubbish dumpsters and rotting cars. And then open up a few select alleyways and encounter areas. Thanks again. If anybody has any other suggestions I would love to hear them.