Hey guys, heres a concept design that im working for a contract. Therese no NDA so i can post process and gather comments and critics. The theme was to build a heavy suit that would be used to repair vehicules on battlefield. So the arms are equipped with
- Blow Torch
- Rivet gun
- Ripper Saw
- Impact Hammer
-Plasma Cannon
Let me know what you guys think.
Client is happy with the design but if you guys have any critics to improve the design ill be happy to ear it.

What are you using to render?
but overall looks ace! keep it up!
please let me know what you think habout it now
(this is still the sketch mesh, so its normal that the model is not super clean :P )
The feet are too small, it seems that he could fall down any momment.
Finally the design makes me think that he cant turn, he can only walk forward. There should be some kind of mechanism so he could spin the waist.
The moeling is very good, your only have problems with the design, keep the good work.