I'm all set to start a new character (personal project) and I would love to share my process via this thread
My subject is 'Connor' from Assassin Creed 3 and I would try to catch as much details as possible with some custom designs.
I would request members to stop by and provide me your suggestion and critics that will help me to complete this character
I want to thank you'll in advance for your time and efforts.
Here is the Character reference, though I have never played this game till now, but the character attracted me will all his appeal and attitude
Good luck with your project.
Thank you Adam, much appreciated
Hello Suba, glad you liked the process so far.
Actually in the initial I planned for something very basic inner structure, but lately I decided to work on the inner physic, for some anatomy study and practice
Hello Slosh, its nice to have a good critic.
I agree with your point, mine character have some weight on him.
I'm now in the process of adding some basic cloth structure, and then I will try to match it as close as possible with the actual concept
I really think the same. Your character's anatomy is way too large and muscular. He does not look like an assassin, he looks like a body builder.
Even in the concept, he looks way thinner and fit. I think that he should look closer to this :
Your anatomy is really good, but I don't think it fits the character you chose.
Anyway impressive skills.
Hey Xsim1,
I agree with the fact that the anatomy is not standing close to the assassin's physic. Though the final version will not be showing any skin, thus I will keep it untouched for now. In case I try making some other outfit that reveals some inner structure then I will definitely make him loose some volume.
Many thanks for the critique
Hello Ratchet,
As I said before I was really not prepared for giving the body so much details. I decided to work on the inner physic, for some anatomy study and practice.
Thank you GrungyStudios
Thank you MHstudios for taking time to write, I just checked your hard surface modeling, and they looks so great.
It will be good to see you doing organic stuffs as well
Working on the outfit of Connor, there are still lot of props to be added and I'm really going slow on this process :poly124:
Let me know what you guys think
Thank you ESFGames
Thank you Paradyme
I appreciate your response, thank you Cremuss
Thank you lotet
Thank you Xsim1 glad you like it
Thank you KennyTies
I think you might wanna grab more ref of Connor without his hood on, though. Right now it looks more like a slightly younger and more broad-set Haytham.
Thanks for the appreciation BageHero.
I do have some ref of Connor without the hood on. But I'm not calling this face as final, I would be putting more time in close study of his face and give more details around the skin and surface.
I'm trying to put my best efforts though out the entire process
Here is the final high poly version. I look forward to a game res geo and texture now