before moving to Unreal 4, I wanted to finalize an old work started in UDK: a custom map project inspired from the Valve game "L4D".
I used UDK cause my final goal was not to make the map playable, but to make some exercise in 3d techniques, style and game design: maybe in the future I will bring the work in the Source engine to make some good plays with friends :poly124:.
The concept is about a small abandoned seaport that Survivals fortified and made "comfortable". Beyond the barricades ... just zombies!:poly130:
I post some screenshots: I would like to have some feedbacks to improve my work. Thanks all!
Not really sure what it looks like when in FPS style view, but I think you are relying too much on just the sunlight to light the level. I get that its near the ocean on a clear day when the sun makes a HUGE impact on the lighting of the day. I think it would almost be better moving the sun down over the horizon, that way you get some sort of twilight lighting. Right now its just too much from just the screenshots we see.
Moving the sun over the horizon and making some basic changes to the skybox will give you much more to play with with lighting, it will also allow you to keep a sunset style sky with all the awesome colors. I say first and foremost turn down the sunlight intensity, as it is just waaayyy too harsh and creates blown out surfaces which not only detracts from the art you spent countless hours on but also gameplay, never want the player complaining about the world they are playing in. With a somewhat twilight setting you can also use the lighting for gameplay, highlighting design features, choke points, etc. Lighting is a designers best friend if used correctly, his literal way of being able to point a player in the right direction. Obviously dont create hard spot lights in all the major areas, try to create soft diffuse lighting, soft shadows, nothing too dark nothing too bright, and make the light design subtle. Once again, never want the player complaining or fighting the environment.
I think you have a good base of an environment to play with here. The sun peaking over the horizon is cool though, might be able to still incorporate that but be able to dial in your sun intensity. Also (maybe just me being a nit picky lighting artist), but the sun light color is a little too desaturated for the colors portrayed in the skybox, think it would be more realistic with a more saturated orange color to match.
Add3r if I understood correctly your suggestion is to reduce main directional light intensity moving the sun over the horizon and to saturate the light color, then to add some more lights in the scene to valorize the map design.
I've tried with a little test thinking about a small light hanging on the boat, nothing special but just to align each others:
ClusterOne, now I'm working on the scene video walktrough then I will surely post some scene and objects wires.
I personally think the feel on the right is soooo much better. You can do some sweet stuff with scripted/animated dynamic lights swinging and gets some life in the scene. Can add some simple wind parameters and set chains and such to sway really lightly in the wind and then get some really awesome shadows with all the dense geo you have. I love that subtle orange light you have there. Fck'n sweet.
This is really all up to you, and just some suggestions while I had some downtime at work from the quick glaces I had at your work. Can use the secondary dynamics lights now to get some warm/cool contrast in the scene and break up some of the black blacks Once again, I am not saying you need to do all of this, just some things I think would really push your scene. The art/design is solid.
My main crit would be that some of the textures seem a bit noisey and I can see the 2d generated normals looking a little off on some of the stuff (like the wood for example).
Overall its very good man, looks like it must have been a lot of work.
I agree with you, some normal maps may be surely improved and the noise reduced
Maybe in a second time... for now I need to relax my eyes, my mind and pass to another project: I know myself and I'm sure that in the next 3 months I'll put again my hands on this work with new energy and a normal maps improvement will already be in my agenda.
Thanks for your feedback
Software used --> Autodesk 3dsmax, Adobe Photoshop, Quixel Ndo2, UDK editor
48 textures, (diffuse map, normal map, specular map, reflection map, cavity map: these two last ones used only where necessary)
36 unique models (Ex: boat, platform, crane, etc)
59 instanced models used like dressing elements (Ex: planks, packing cases, switchboards, tubes, etc)
10 different decals types
Moving the sun over the horizon and making some basic changes to the skybox will give you much more to play with with lighting, it will also allow you to keep a sunset style sky with all the awesome colors. I say first and foremost turn down the sunlight intensity, as it is just waaayyy too harsh and creates blown out surfaces which not only detracts from the art you spent countless hours on but also gameplay, never want the player complaining about the world they are playing in. With a somewhat twilight setting you can also use the lighting for gameplay, highlighting design features, choke points, etc. Lighting is a designers best friend if used correctly, his literal way of being able to point a player in the right direction. Obviously dont create hard spot lights in all the major areas, try to create soft diffuse lighting, soft shadows, nothing too dark nothing too bright, and make the light design subtle. Once again, never want the player complaining or fighting the environment.
I think you have a good base of an environment to play with here. The sun peaking over the horizon is cool though, might be able to still incorporate that but be able to dial in your sun intensity. Also (maybe just me being a nit picky lighting artist), but the sun light color is a little too desaturated for the colors portrayed in the skybox, think it would be more realistic with a more saturated orange color to match.
Add3r if I understood correctly your suggestion is to reduce main directional light intensity moving the sun over the horizon and to saturate the light color, then to add some more lights in the scene to valorize the map design.
I've tried with a little test thinking about a small light hanging on the boat, nothing special but just to align each others:
ClusterOne, now I'm working on the scene video walktrough then I will surely post some scene and objects wires.
This is really all up to you, and just some suggestions while I had some downtime at work from the quick glaces I had at your work. Can use the secondary dynamics lights now to get some warm/cool contrast in the scene and break up some of the black blacks Once again, I am not saying you need to do all of this, just some things I think would really push your scene. The art/design is solid.
here below the scene walktrough I promised:
My main crit would be that some of the textures seem a bit noisey and I can see the 2d generated normals looking a little off on some of the stuff (like the wood for example).
Overall its very good man, looks like it must have been a lot of work.
I agree with you, some normal maps may be surely improved and the noise reduced
Maybe in a second time... for now I need to relax my eyes, my mind and pass to another project: I know myself and I'm sure that in the next 3 months I'll put again my hands on this work with new energy and a normal maps improvement will already be in my agenda.
Thanks for your feedback
I've updated the scene with film grain effect and some littles fixes on lighting and texturing.
Thanks for your feedbacks
ClusterOne asked me some wires, they are here below: