Hello, I'm trying to achieve a cooked pasta material in Vray similar to the picture below:

So I started a SSS2 material and as you can see below it's looking very pasta-ish, except that I can't get it to look wet like in the reference. Tried to mess with all gloss and specular controls of SSS2, but no luck there

Is there a way to achieve what I'm looking for?

still, it's not as realistic as I wanted, but enough for me I guess hehe
the shader alone cant do it...
you need the right environment around the noodles or a good hdri...
need a right light (or lightning setup of different lights), environment, even the groundplane and correct rendersettings
are the goal. Shader is only one part
not that I'm having this problem, but it's nice to know.. hehe
linking lights to only a group of objects is a good way to do that...
i'll give it a try someday
thank you all for the help