While it is more of an annoyance and can be worked with, my ViewCube in 3ds Max has a tendency to rotate differently as things progress. For awhile in one file it'll keep the camera pointed at the mesh I am currently working on, then at some point I rotate the camera with the ViewCube and it'll rotate the camera as if the pivot point is right underneath it and not at the mesh. Is there any options I can change to have the ViewCube camera rotate and move around a highlighted object?
In Quixel Suite, it mentions a gradient map for weathering effects or stylized effects on a mesh. Is this map simply a gradient image going from light to dark in one direction or more a gradient effect on the model that is rendered to texture through 3ds Max and applied in the suite? I'd like to know, I've never heard of this style of map and like to mess with it for stylized looks.