Soo I started doodling on a small craft on paper(you know analog, physically paper, right?) a couple of days ago and ended up keeping doodling on it in maya soo why not just join the action?
Spent maybe a workday on it so far.
Trying to get everything I want in a sci fi vehicle in there.
Right now its a bit on the "deep sea exploration"-side but Ill try to fix that.
A screen after like a couple of hours
and here´s after a couple of more hours
Any feedback is welcome
![:) :)](
Btw Im loving the new maya 2015 stuff so far, this is my first 2015 project.
Did a quick lowpoly and a quick UV, tossed some ideas away in favor of finishing the project.
Was gonna start messing around in ddo again but had some problem with ddo not loving flipped uv faces and a objectspacemap, maybe I should just go unique texturespace instead of mirroring, 4k sure is enough for it.
Here´s a dirty 1024 version without hard edges cut in uv.
I have a good feel for what materials I want where, mix shiny materials and metal-shiny metarials with superdull materials.
Also theres alot of NDO work left, want to make alot of seems, bolts and so on.
Now Im off for a week, gonna start drawing some driver concepts and diorama compositions, hopefully om back with some good ideas in a week.
The project is really in its ugly-period, will be awesome coming home and spending two days on it making it look good.
Did a decent uvmapping and cut all the hardedges, baked maps and started messing around in ddo, had some more trouble with having it update in the 3do but I managed to get some quick materials on it.
Scaled down the reelings/chromestuff.
Did the airintakes better and rotated them abit.
Made the shiny ring stuff on the top end of the ship better in the LP.
Also changed the window design, not loving it but Ill work for now.
Redid uvs and rebaked.
Here´s the current status with some quick materials thrown on.
Want to add some surface details like seems, bolts, cables, small intakes and such.
Think Im gonna go for standard-sci-fi white-ish with clear red and yellow colorfields. Something like
Blocked in all small color details.
Prio right now is to do some good glass, add dirt, oil, scratches and details. Also fix the materials for the ship. Especially the turrets and the cylinder on the back and on bottom.
Also add emissive parts and make them pretty.
Alot of stuff I want to do but I really need to get started on the environment and character.