Hey guys we finally started to get around to setting up a new website. The site now has ways to contribute and submit content as well as a way to sign up for the mailing list. We switched the books to be hosted and setup via Gumroad as well.
We also are trying to convert our Facebook users over to the new home so if you could like us there as well thanks!
Thanks for the support!
Edit: Ah it's working now. Liked and suscribed by the way, Vertex is the bomb.
On the front page the large scrolling image has a separate image for submitting articles and submitting your portfolio for a pimping page. However, both of these link to the page for submitting an article — is this a mistake or are we meant to submit through that too if we just want to send in art? I assume not since it has the 'article title' as a required field.
how is it free? the download link sends me to https://gumroad.com/l/GAAOs and wants money.
EDIT: nwm, figured it out. just needed to put 0$ to get it to work. thanks.
It would be really cool to get a 2nd version printable, i would pay even more for it.
i had bad image quality issues while printing on a high quality rip printer.
cheers and thanks for vertex