Hello, I've made a model in Zbrush and I'm trying to render it in 3ds max's Vray using the generated Normal Map from Zbrush.
The problem is where it has UV seams, it seems that the color data changes somehow and this cause some really strange abnormality in the rendering...
I've searched a lot in Google, but no luck.
Also tried to bake the map in xnormal, results almost the same
Is there a way to fix this - apart from "hiding" the seams somewhere in the model?
Try setting it up with a realtime shader or game engine, this is most likely an issue with vray or your vray settings.
In toolbag, set the tangents (in the mesh properties) to 3ds max, then you won't need to invert the green.
So it's not the maps fault anyway :S
Are UV seams meant to look like that?
Do I need to hide them now and ever in every model I make?
I believe I am missing something very basic here...
Make sure you have mesh normals on when exporting obj, not just smoothing groups. Also try FBX if obj isn't working out. Max can be a bit of a pain to find the right export settings.
amazing, that was what I was looking for!
thank you
Since few days i am going mad on this issue.