Ok so I want Im done texturing my character and I want to pose it. But every time I pose it in Zbrush and Goz it back the textures are gone. and when I put my maps on it I'm only able to put one map on it. I remember before I was able to pose it in Zbrush and GoZ it with the textures still in Max. If you guys know how to have it so the textures are still on that would be great. Or if you recommend to just rig it let me know. But I honestly just want to pose it in Zbrush.

I separated my character into 3 UV's. The head the torso and the legs. Are you saying the only way to work around this is to have everything unwrapped into one UV?
No, I assumed the wrong uv channel was getting exported entirely, but it sounds like you're applying one texture to all 3 materials. Like Steffen suggests, just make sure to apply the correct materials to the correct polys.
Either split your mesh according to textures or assign your textures in sub object mode to each body part (just select polygons and assign each material manually.)
I am Steffen, the onw who replied is Joe, i know reading signatures takes just too much time ^^
I figured that was the solution to the texture problem but my main issue is posing my character and hsving thd textures on correctly while I do that
or you could put all 3 textures side by side and change your unwrap for all 3 using uvw xform
imho signatures are disabled as a default in this forum