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Zbrush - applying stroke along curve

polycounter lvl 12
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MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
I need to apply stroke along curve. The problem is that the only way to apply brush effect to stroke is through moving the curve which is really unusable for what I need.

I need to apply damStandard brush around cylindrical part (not perfect cylinder though so radial symmetry won't do the trick).

Can I do it with curve ? Just create curve and apply stroke along it ? If not how would you approach it ?

The screenshot should help understand the situation:




  • Phil-Sanchez
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    Phil-Sanchez polycounter lvl 10
    Hey mate,

    I'm afraid I can't see the image you uploaded, but it sounds like really upping the lazy mouse modifier on your stroke might fit the bill. Would that work, or am I missing the issue?
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Here it is on another host:


    I just want Zbrush to deform the mesh along the curve with a brush. I don't really understand what you are refering to.

    Edit: here you can see what I'm talking about. I was just wondering If I can do that without moving curve to be able to apply brush stroke (you can see the stroke shows up when he moves the curve).

  • Steppenwolf
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    Steppenwolf polycounter lvl 15
    In the stroke pallete in curve modifiers click on the curve falloff and make it flat. Then you can apply the dam standard evenly around the whole curve with minimal movement.

    Don't know if there is a method like in Photoshop to apply the stroke automaticaly. that would work even better i suppose.
  • Phil-Sanchez
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    Phil-Sanchez polycounter lvl 10
    ah, okay, thanks I can see it now; thanks for clearning that up. I'd have to mirror what Steppenwolf said: stroke pallete, curve mode, etc.

    (as for lazymouse, well, I often have issues with curve mode, so I tend to avoid it if I can, and I've found that lazy brush is a nice in between way of having control over your strokes without having to deal with curves)
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah i ended up using lazy mouse and doing it by hand... Curve stuff is not to reliable. I just need some good way to be able to add detail to a shape like in this image. Doing it by hand gives you those weird looking places where you start your next stroke on your previous stroke. Direction Smooth helps in hiding those but I'm trying to find a reliable way to do this without this additional hussle.

    Thanks for the help guys. I will try to find some better way.
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