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Unity Based Hard Surface Texturing Tool

Hi All,

I posted this over in the Unity Asset Store group, but it seems that it's a ghost town over there, so I thought I would put it here instead.

I have been working on a Hard Surface Texturing tool for Unity. It is an Editor Extension Plugin that runs inside of Unity (no need for Unity Pro) and works on Mac and PC, best of all it does not require Photoshop.

Here are some screenshots and video of it in action.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.






Youtube Video


  • JohnRossitter
    Here are some more screenshots:

  • mazerius1st
    Offline / Send Message
    mazerius1st polycounter lvl 5
    Nice tool, if you ever post it in the unity store you have a customer in me but change your image host because nothing shows properly.
  • JohnRossitter
    I'm new to the Polycount Forums so I have no idea what the problem is with the images.
    First I tried to use the attachment manager built into the forum, and then I just tried imgur....no idea why I can't get the images to just shop up on the darn screen.

    It will be posted in the Asset Store once we finish our beta testing.

    But thanks for the kind words,
  • JohnRossitter
  • MattyWS
    Offline / Send Message
    MattyWS polycounter lvl 11
    You should really think about changing those backgrounds on the UI boxes to something that isn't images. It muddies the UI and words, makes things unclear and also looks unprofessional.
  • JohnRossitter
    Hi MattyWS,

    Yes I agree, I have been so focused on the images processing algorithms that I have slacked off on the UI. I will have an update to that later this week, thanks for the input!
  • Teessider
    Offline / Send Message
    Teessider polycounter lvl 11
    This looks like an interesting project! Will be keeping an eye on this.

    Some UI feedback - Main background of the graph should be a solid colour I feel and like MattyWS says, the UI boxes shouldn't have the image as the full background.

    Maybe have them as an icon/ preview within the UI box somewhere? (even with realtime preview?) so that you can still see what type of material it is.
  • JohnRossitter
    Teessider wrote: »
    This looks like an interesting project! Will be keeping an eye on this.

    Some UI feedback - Main background of the graph should be a solid colour I feel and like MattyWS says, the UI boxes shouldn't have the image as the full background.

    Maybe have them as an icon/ preview within the UI box somewhere? (even with realtime preview?) so that you can still see what type of material it is.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    I will think it over this week once I finish the Plugins I'm going to ship with the initial version. You are a bit limited in the control you have in the Unity Editor Extension platform, so I will try to compromise where I can. Overall I agree with your comments though.
  • JohnRossitter
    Do you think that this is any better?
  • JohnRossitter
    Hello Everyone,

    I have a quick GUI update.
    After some rather positive feedback on the GUI, I have implemented a change to the way each node is rendered. How do you like this design?

  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    Edit: oh there is a video, nevermind

    You need someone to do something impressive with it on a real asset to impress people and make them want to try it out
    Video with voice and explanation and everything

    also if you really want to keep those texture images on your ui, put them somewhere where they are not distracting, like on bottom with no text over it
    (red thing = metal texture thing in case its not clear)


    also it would make sense to use images you actually generated with the tool
    not some random photosourced last gen textures you barely use in such a way
  • JohnRossitter
    Shrike wrote: »
    Edit: oh there is a video, nevermind

    You need someone to do something impressive with it on a real asset to impress people and make them want to try it out
    Video with voice and explanation and everything

    also if you really want to keep those texture images on your ui, put them somewhere where they are not distracting, like on bottom with no text over it
    (red thing = metal texture thing in case its not clear)


    also it would make sense to use images you actually generated with the tool
    not some random photosourced last gen textures you barely use in such a way

    All Great Points!

    I will work on that this week!

  • JohnRossitter
    Shrike wrote: »
    Edit: oh there is a video, nevermind

    You need someone to do something impressive with it on a real asset to impress people and make them want to try it out
    Video with voice and explanation and everything

    also if you really want to keep those texture images on your ui, put them somewhere where they are not distracting, like on bottom with no text over it
    (red thing = metal texture thing in case its not clear)


    also it would make sense to use images you actually generated with the tool
    not some random photosourced last gen textures you barely use in such a way

    Let me ask you this?

    When looking at a new product like this, how long of a video are you willing to watch?
    How fast will you lose interest in a video if it's not getting your attention quick enough?
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    people looking at such a product are looking for workflow enhancements, its something different as if you would want to sell a pair of jeans or an icecream, its hard to say but i think people are willing to spend more time informing themselves

    Important is that you show the result upfront, and if the result is good enough, people that are interested will watch it. You could start with a shorter 10 minute video, or do a full thing like DDO did with the AK breakdown (look that up at best)
    The best case if you had two, a short rundown that is fast and not more than like 7 minutes, and a really long indepth one that should be no more than 40 min tho
  • JohnRossitter
    Shrike wrote: »
    people looking at such a product are looking for workflow enhancements, its something different as if you would want to sell a pair of jeans or an icecream, its hard to say but i think people are willing to spend more time informing themselves

    Important is that you show the result upfront, and if the result is good enough, people that are interested will watch it. You could start with a shorter 10 minute video, or do a full thing like DDO did with the AK breakdown (look that up at best)
    The best case if you had two, a short rundown that is fast and not more than like 7 minutes, and a really long indepth one that should be no more than 40 min tho

    This is all great feedback.

    I think that I'm stuck between 2 target audiences.
    1) designers who work in tools like Maya, dDo, nDo, substance designer, 3d coat, etc...
    2) Unity users who do more game work and dont really understand the workings that go into making textures.

    I guess I need to make some different levels of videos to demonstrate it for each target audience.
  • JohnRossitter
    I have the BETA ready and need 30 serious testers who are willing to test the Engine and provide feedback.
    All registered testers who actually provide feedback (good or bad) will receive a FREE copy of the released version when it's ready.
    If you are interested in helping out with the BETA, please send me a PM and include your Facebook user name so I can add you to the private testing page.
    VooDoo will run on Mac, PC and Unity 4.x free or Pro.
    I have tested it on as low as an i3 Windows tablet, so it should work on just about any modern machine.
    I will provide you some sample materials to test as well as instruct you on how to import your own.
    Thank You All for your Help!
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