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Transpose masking + Alt Rotate Zbrush?

polycounter lvl 7
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Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
I'm following along with a book by Scott Spencer (Which is alright so far, I really hate how his model in the book suddenly changes without giving me any notice on when or how he got there)
At this point I am supposed to use transpose masking (easy) and then draw a transpose line, and hold alt + rotate on the last circle.
Welp. I keep getting something like this, where it bends into itself.. Now is this a common occurrence for this method, Or am I wrong, or do I need to just fix it up myself? His looks perfect >.>


eta:Ignore my crappy anatomy..


  • KidTravailler
    Greetings Mr.Moose!

    Do you mind uploading a pic of the previous state of the hand? That way I could see better whats going on, judging by now I could say that maybe you're applying too much pressure/intensity in the rotation or the transpose line isnt properly adjusted (too short and not in the center of the arm). However, if you're looking to pose your character, I'd recommend you to get familiar with the Move+TopologicalModifiers or Move Topological brush, sometimes Transpose Master can be a pain to deal with. Feel free to contact me for further tips. :D
  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    Not trying to pose the hand, but rather rotate it all at the elbow to a more relaxed look :P

    Though this is how it looks now http://i.imgur.com/EkY22Jg.png

    Still haven't gotten around to rotating the elbow Heh.
  • Loucidity
    I went through one of Spencer's books, quite nice stuff, but.... Did run into a couple of cases where things didn't work exactly as he purported.

    Zbrush, you're likely not using exactly the same version he is, so I wouldn't beat myself up on it a lot... Close holes, zremeshing, re-dynameshing things. Subtle differences in behavior from what I've seen.

    That said,

    Yeah, first thing, make sure you're using the transpose line in rotate mode.

    Alignment of the line is critical to the behavior of it, make sure your placement is pretty well matching what he's showing in his demo (location on the length of the arm, centering it, etc.) Particularly how the mesh in total is rotated (which direction you are looking at it at.).

    Also look at tutorials explaining transpose and it's interaction with the "shift" key when you're laying down the line.

    Of course, the other thing to think about is mesh density, if there's not enough vertexes in the actual mesh you're creating, or if it's not in dynamesh mode it can cause issues. Plus, you may want to look at the actual masking menu panel and / or soften the edge of your mask, or you'll wind up with your rotation look... well, like bovine fecal matter.

    Would suggest re-dynameshing or zremeshing it in any case to get the best topology before you try and rotate things. (note, turn off smoothing in Dynamesh panel). Duplicate the part in question before doing any of that and / or make sure your history is there and / or save off a copy of everything up to this point. Can't tell you how many times I've wound up with pieces of meshes bleeding all over the floor from a blown up remesh. (Decimation master is also handy. All three techniques vary in what and how well they do things.).

    There's other posing technology that is purported to work better, haven't done a lot of that myself yet.

    Possibly look at tutorials on "zsphere rigging and posing" (Google it)

    Just getting to the point of trying to pose some things myself and it's giving me fits as well. Good luck.

    Myself, I'm thinking for decent results am probably going to take them to blender, rig and pose there. But haven't tried that yet.....
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