Heres the situation. I have a low poly poly inside of max, and i have a high poly model in max. I am trying to bake the details of the high poly to the low poly. Simple right? Of course not.
This is the result im getting:

See ho you can see the individual faces?
I dont know what that is!
Both models are shaded smooth.
The uv's are connected.
The faces are connected.
The normals have been checked.
I have tried baking inside of Xnormal.
I have tried baking in Z brush.
I have exported both models as obj with minimal export setting and re imported
them back into the scene and its the same thing.
I dont know what else to do!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Also, when i import the model into zbrush, it seperates the faces of the uvs into individual faces. Maybe that is a clue to whats happening.
Thanks in advance!
By that do you mean smoothing groups?
If not, try that.
How does it look on your model?
Rune - Sure!
SargentCrunch - Ill give that a try, thanks!
Rune - Sorry, that was the high poly(which you may also want).
Here is the low poly.
Re-do your UVW, it's a mess.
When i loaded up your UVW in Roadkill, i noticed that alot of edges where not connected creating the sahding issues.
I reset the entire uvw and redid it in Roadkill to see where that would get me.
I re-did it REALLLY FAST with RoadKill! litteraly took me 3 minutes. and this is how it turned out!
Now bare in mind i am no character artist and still a student at Games Academy in Berlin, so the uvw is shit, but you can do it better!
Corrupt UV's can happen if you edit a model below the unwrap modifier. Sometimes the UV's will *look unaltered, but what happened internally is every UV Vertex was bumped over one number.
Same thing happens with the Skin Modifier.
You're 100% right
I've tried redoing the UVs and it seems to fix the problem though!
Bruno - Yeah it looks faceted ):
Eric - Very true!
monster - Thats a very annoying issue, i guess i need to be more careful with my stack!
Thanks for the advice everyone!
Thanks everyone, I can finally move on now.